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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 123

“This should be quite a show! It’ll be enough to keep Liam and Cindy busy for a while!” 

Chapter 123 Liam Cannot Protect Himself 

“Finnegan, why are you standing outside? What is going on inside?” 

Before Liam arrived, Bernice returned from the restroom. 

Finnegan wrapped an arm around Bernice’s waist and explained the situation to her briefly. 

However, he didn’t tell her about his guess regarding Solomon’s identity. 

He also didn’t mention that he deliberately left Cindy back there. 

Bernice’s expression changed. “I can’t let anything happen to Cin.” 

“Wait!” Finnegan pulled her back. 

Bernice frowned. “Finnegan, I know you don’t like Cin, but she isn’t evil. She simply believes you’re not suitable for me.” 

That Finnegan knew. Otherwise, he would’ve taught Cindy a lesson long ago. 

However, Finnegan pulled Bernice back as he wanted to enjoy the show. “Liam will be here soon. Let him deal with it.” 

“Liam is coming over?” It took Bernice a while to realize what was going on. “Did Cin ask him to come?” 

Finnegan merely smiled and said nothing. 

Bernice allowed her thoughts to run wild. 

She glanced inside the restaurant and discarded the idea. “Let’s wait for Liam to arrive. Todd’s family isn’t as influential as my family, but he has Tyrone’s support.” 

An amused look flickered in Finnegan’s gaze. “Yes. We shall wait for him to save the damsel in distress!” 

Soon, Liam arrived with over ten b*dyguards in tow. 

His handsome looks and entourage immediately attracted the attention of countless ladies at the scene. 

Some even began gossiping about him softly. 

Liam’s ego was greatly satisfied, and he straightened his back proudly. 

He strode straight to the entrance of the restaurant, not noticing Finnegan and Bernice standing off to the side. 

He gave a pompous wave, and the b*dyguards immediately swarmed forward to force the men in black to make way for him. 

Following that. Liam walked in arrogantly. 

The youngsters with Solomon and Todd could barely hide their surprise when they realized Cindy wasn’t lying when she claimed she knew Liam. 


“Mr. Sable!” Cindy hurried forward and greeted him in delight. 

Liam asked, “Where is Bernie and Finnegan?” 

A cold glint appeared in his gaze. 

Cindy had told him about the dinner tonight, but he didn’t think much about it at the time. 

However, he became flustered after receiving Cindy’s text message. 

Thus, he decided to come here to warn Finnegan to watch his mouth. 

Besides that, he wanted to find out how Finnegan discovered he and his family were secretly causing trouble for Firebird Group. 

Cindy retorted in anger. “Finnegan is a scoundrel! He deserted me here and took off. I suspect he lied to Bernie and claimed I was being held captive. He probably left with her already.” 

Both Finnegan and Bernice heard her angry words loud and clear. 

Finnegan scratched his nose. “Darling, would you offend someone else to protect someone who harbors evil intentions toward you?” 

Bernice flashed a bitter smile. She understood what Finnegan was trying to imply. 

“Don’t fret. He won’t be able to deceive Bernie. We’ll track him down soon enough.” Liam let out a frigid snort and proclaimed with anger, “Who is responsible for coercing my friend to remain here? Reveal yourself!” 

Todd sauntered over with a grin. 

“So it turns out this gorgeous lady really does know you, Mr. Sable!” 

Hearing that, Liam turned around and recognized Todd instantly. 

Since Cindy hadn’t provided a clear explanation over the phone, Liam presumed it was Todd who had compelled her to stay. “It’s you, Mr. Mackle. Has the Mackle family become overconfident due to Mr. Calandrino’s sheltering over the past few years? How dare you publicly mistreat someone else?” 

Todd put on an innocent expression. “Don’t frame me for something I didn’t do, Mr. Sable. I might be interested in her, but it wasn’t me who forced her to stay here.” 

“It isn’t him. Mr. Sable. It’s that man!” 

Cindy pointed at Solomon, who was sipping on red wine with a smile on his l*ps. 

Hearing that, Liam glanced in the direction she pointed. 

However, his b*dy tensed up when he laid eyes on Solomon. His face started to twitch involuntarily. 

How could it be him? 

Unaware of Liam’s gradually paling complexion, Cindy let out a frosty snort. “Mr. Sable, it’s him. He’s gone 

too far!” 

Liam’s expression paled even more as he tamped down the urge to slap Cindy so she would shut up. 

Nevertheless, he knew he couldn’t do that as Cindy would never help him pursue Bernice if he did. 

“Mr. Sable, playing the superior role, are we?” Solomon commented with a cheerful tone as he approached Liam. “So what if she’s your friend? I have my eye on her, so why don’t you pretend you’re oblivious?” 

It seemed like he was negotiating with Liam, but he was actually informing Liam to stay out of his business. 

Liam mustered a tense smile and replied, “Mr. Zymons, I didn’t realize it was you. She’s a friend of mine, so I’d be grateful if you could do me a favor and spare her.” 

“Do you a favor?” 

Solomon’s smile widened. 

His smile vanished in an instant as he delivered a swift slap to Liam. “Even your grandfather, Reginald, wouldn’t have the audacity to request a favor from me. Who are you to make such demands? Moreover, you entered with an air of arrogance earlier, and that was annoying.” 

Silence ensued. 

Cindy gaped in disbelief at the turn of events that she had not expected. 

The females that came with Solomon carlier were smirking. 

They had thought that Cindy would escape unscathed once Liam showed up, but that was not the case. 

Their gazes roamed over Solomon as they found his domineering attitude very attractive. 

Bernice’s eyes twitched. “What is going on?” 


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