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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Like A Whipped Dog 

Upon seeing Liam’s submission, the young women turned to look at Solomon with bright eyes. 

However, Cindy was stunned. “Mr. Sable?” 

To her knowledge, Liam was invincible in Jadeborough. 

That was why she felt that Liam was the only person who was worthy of Bernice. 

Yet now, Liam was relenting and asking her to spend a night with Solomon. 

He was destroying the image she had of him-of how he was strong and mighty. 

In an amused voice, Solomon said. “Babe, just submit to me. Not even Trey of the Miles family and Felix of the Haimowitz family can save you tonight, let alone Liam! In fact, not even the young master of the Langdon family, the richest family in Nuthana, can save you!” 

Cindy panicked even more when she heard that. 

Solomon had said the same thing earlier, but she had thought that he was merely bluffing. 

Immediately, she bent over to pull Liam, her potential savior, to his feet. “Mr. Sable, you have to save me!” 

“I can’t save you!” Liam flung away Cindy’s hand in frustration. 

If not for Cindy, he would not have been humiliated by Solomon in public. 

Upon hearing that, Cindy slumped onto the ground, panic written all over her face. “Why?” 

Liam forced away the upset he felt and squeezed out, “He’s the son of Mr. Seth Zymons. Just give up.” 

All the color drained from Cindy’s face as desolation took over her. 

He’s the son of Gablurg’s underworld ruler? Then… the Sable family is indeed not a match for them. 

“Cut the crap and scram!” 

Solomon impatiently kicked Liam. 

Liam could not possibly bring himself to crawl out of the restaurant before over a hundred people. 

Thus, he started, “Mr. Zymons, I’m really sorry for tonight. Please-” 

Yet, before he could finish his sentence, Solomon gave him another kick. “If you don’t want to crawl, I’ll have to break your legs!” 

With that said, he lifted his hand, about to give the order. 

At that, Liam quickly cast aside his care for his dignity and pride. “I’ll crawl out!” 

Amidst Cindy’s despairing expression and the mocking laughter of the crowd, Liam crawled toward the entrance like a whipped dog. 

The Sable family’s b*dyguards felt terrible to see their employer in this state, but it was Solomon they were up against. 

All they could do was surround Liam to stop others from filming his moment of humiliation. 

Contented, Solomon looked away from him. 

“Babe, you got anyone else? If not, sit down and have a drink with me. Then, you’re coming back to the hotel with me tonight.” 

His words snapped Cindy back to reality. 

She hastily took a few steps back and cried out nervously, “Stop this, or else I’ll call the cops on you!” 


The crowd burst into laughter. 

Call the cops? Can the cops do anything to someone like Solomon? Who can bear the consequences of the revenge that Solomon will surely take? 

One of the pretty young women laughed and said, “It’s your honor to catch Mr. Zymons’ attention, so appreciate it.” 

Her companion chimed in, “Just give in. Even Mr. Sable had to crawl out of this place like a whipped dog. Who do you think can protect you now?” 

Her words crushed Liam’s dignity even more, making him lower his head further. 

Those words were devastating to Cindy too. 

Right. Not even Liam can protect me. 

When Solomon saw the resistance in Cindy’s eyes fading away, delight grew in his heart. He enjoyed conquering others in this way. “Babe, when is a better time to give in to me, if not now?” 

Can I really not escape this situation today? Who can save me from this? 


Right then, just as Cindy was about to take a step forward, Bernice shoved the men in black by the doorway aside and rushed into the establishment. 

Liam snapped his head upward, a grimace on his face. 

He instinctively stood up as well. 

Though he could stand having countless people see him be humiliated, he could never stand letting Bernice see him in this state, 

Oh my, this darling of mine… Finnegan, who was still outside of the restaurant, shook his head with a wry 


He had been sending Alisha a message when Bernice took the opportunity of his distraction to rush into 

the restaurant. 

He could only sigh quietly and follow her in. 

When he walked past Liam, Liam’s eyes turned scarlet as he gritted out, “Finnegan.” 

Having his unsightly demeanor seen by Finnegan only made his embarrassment turn into fury. 

Yet, all Finnegan did was cast him a derisive glance before walking past him. 

That made Liam’s blood boil. He clenched his fists, desperately wishing he could skin Finnegan alive there and then. 

Meanwhile, Bernice approached Cindy to shield her as she glared at Solomon. “Please mind your actions while you’re in a public space!” 

Solomon could not stop himself from letting his gaze wander across Bernice’s b*dy. 

He did not even bother concealing the greed and lust in his eyes. 

Licking his l*ps, he said, “Jadeborough is indeed a wonderful place. I can’t believe I’ve already met two beautiful women just as I arrived here.” 

Recognizing Bernice, Todd softly reminded Solomon, “Mr. Zymons, she’s the daughter of the Zimmerman family who owns Firebird Group. It won’t be good to target her.” 

However, that only piqued Solomon’s interest even more. 

He instantly came forward to reach out his hand toward Bernice. “Oh my, so you’re one of the famed Four Beauties of Jadeborough, Ms. Zimmerman. Nice to meet you. Shall we have a drink together?” 

“Sorry, but I’m the only person who can touch my darling’s hand.” 

Before Bernice could say anything in response, Finnegan reached her and pushed Solomon’s hand away. 

Solomon’s expression darkened. He realized that Finnegan was the one who had “wisely” fled earlier. 

“Brat, do you really think that you can be all high and mighty just because you know Zephyr? Get the hell out of my face right now!” 


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