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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 The Thoughts 

Jennifer had learned from Bernice about Jerome Medical Clinic’s signage being destroyed and the place splattered with paint yesterday. 

At the sight of the mess that was the clinic right then, the first culprit who came to her mind was none other than Solomon. 

Finnegan nodded in affirmation. “Yeah, it was Solomon’s doing’ 

“You must be Mrs. Zimmerman, yes?” Quiana had never seen Jennifer before, but she immediately surmised the latter’s identity upon seeing her with Bernice. “Uh… Could the Zimmerman family please lend Finny a hand? No matter what, he has helped Ms. Zimmerman twice!” 

Desmond likewise gazed at Jennifer hopefully. 

As a man, however, he was embarrassed to beg a woman for help. 

Melinda snickered callously. “What a pipe dream! Back then, the Zimmerman family could not even protect your family in the face of the Chomsky family. How could they possibly have the capability to keep an ingrate like Finnegan safe from the Zymons family now?” 

Desmond’s and Quiana’s faces were drained of all color. 

They did not want to admit that, but it was undeniably the truth. 

Jennifer turned to Bernice in puzzlement. “What’s going on here?” 

Naturally, Bernice knew what her mother was trying to ask. 

In a low voice, she explained, “Finnegan’s parents’ receptiveness is limited, so he hasn’t yet told them about our relationship. He’s only planning to inform them about it sometime later.”) 

Jennifer bobbed her head in understanding. 

She answered Desmond and Quiana politely, “Indeed, the Zimmerman family isn’t capable of helping Finnegan. But I believe he’ll be fine. Things will not be the same as five years ago.” 

Yesterday, she had stayed up all night talking to Bernice. 

She had found out that Finnegan was acquainted with many people, including the Wahlstrom family. 

Coupled with Patrick’s analysis, she was sure that Finnegan still had some ace up his sleeve and connections. 

Otherwise, he would never have chosen to confront Solomon head-on while knowing the latter’s identity full well. 

Regretfully, Desmond and Quiana merely took her words as consolation. The grief on their faces intensified. 

On the contrary, Raymond and the others were over the moon. They grinned so widely that their eyes became mere slits. “It seems that the ingrate is really doomed this time. Even the Zimmerman family is brushing you off with pleasantries.” 

“Continue running your mouths if you want me to show you what merciless truly means!” 



Seeing that they were making scornful remarks time and again without any regard for the kinship. between their families, Finnegan quickly reached the end of his patience. 

The instant Raymond and the others sensed a chill sweeping over them, they immediately zipped their mouths. 

Nonetheless, the delight in their eyes remained undisguised. 

After cursing inwardly, Finnegan said to Bernice and Jennifer, “The clinic can’t launch for business today, so you guys should head back first. Sorry for the wasted trip here, Ms. Jennifer.” 

“Will you really be fine, Finnegan?” Bernice asked. 


At his affirmative answer, Bernice gave a dip of her head. 

Jennifer said to Finnegan, “Um, I have something to say to you in private. Come with me.” 

Under everyone’s curious gazes, Finnegan followed her and walked to the side. 

Jennifer glanced back over her shoulder and scanned her eyes over the others there before she started, “Finnegan, you were with Bernie last night, and a girl’s reputation is.exceedingly important. That aside, her grandfather is rather old-fashioned in his thinking. If he were to learn about it…” 

At that point, she went silent. 

Even so, Finnegan understood her meaning. “Just get straight to the point, Ms. Jennifer.” 

“Okay. My husband and I aren’t the kind of people who insist on their daughter marrying someone of a matching background. We’re contented as long as the man is sincere toward Bernie. So, why don’t you arrange a time for us to sit down with your parents and discuss your engagement with her? Then, there probably won’t be any gossip even if the two of you behave intimately. Do you get what I mean?” 

Finnegan rubbed the bridge of his nose as he pondered about it. 

When Jennifer saw that he was somewhat hesitant, she asked, “Don’t tell me you’re opposed to it?” 

“No! It’s just that my parents’ personalities are rather simple. I’m afraid they’ll think that I’m not good enough for Bernie and I’m only with her to repay her kindness. Besides, Bernie has an agreement with. Old Mr. Zimmerman. He’d surely object if she were to get engaged ahead of time, no?” 

“I understand. But Bernie’s reputation takes precedence over everything else. What if she were to get pregnant by accident?” Jennifer argued with slight embarrassment on her face. 

The corners of Finnegan’s mouth twitched, and he wanted to explain that his relationship with Bernice had yet to reach that stage. 

But after some thought, he decided against doing so. “Okay, I’ll make the arrangements after I’ve settled things here.” 

“Then, I’ll be leaving with Bernie first. Be careful yourself.” 

“Have a safe trip back.” 

Finnegan saw Jennifer and Bernice to their car. 




He watched until the car had driven a distance away before he returned to the entrance of Jerome Medical 


By then, Quiana was already anxious to the point of tears. “What should we do now? Even the Zimmerman family can’t help us. What is to be done, then?” 

“Mom, Dad, don’t worry anymore. Have you forgotten I’m acquainted with the Miles and Haimowitz families?” 

Desmond’s eyes promptly lit up. “That’s right! You’re acquainted with Mr. Miles and Old Mr. Haimowitz. The Zimmerman family may be powerless to lend you a hand, but perhaps they can help.” 

Smiling, Finnegan comforted his mother, “You don’t need to worry anymore, Mom. The Zymons family can ignore the Zimmerman family and even show me no respect, but they can’t do the same with the Haimowitz and Miles families, can they? I’ll go and seek Mr. Miles and Old Mr. Haimowitz out later. It’ll be 


At the side, Melinda snorted and scoffed, “Dream on! The Zymons family- 

Finnegan had finally eased his parents’ worry after expending much effort, but the woman was stirring up their anxiety once more. 

Finnegan swept an icy gaze over her. “Another word from you, and I don’t mind having Dr. Cooper give up searching for suitable bone marrow for Max and even kick the lot of you out of General Hospital, Don’t doubt my capabilities. I can still do that much!” He then looked at Raymond and Qahira. “The same goes for you two!” 

The expressions of the few people gleefully planning to rub salt into Finnegan’s family’s wound instantly changed. They dared not utter a single word further. 

Deep within, however, they relentlessly cursed Finnegan out. 


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