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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 Consequences 

Finnegan had sensed Liam hiding in the shadows when Jennifer and Bernice arrived. 

He asked his parents to leave first so that he could avoid having them know he had a grudge against Liam. as well. 

However, he had never thought that Liam was, there to present a gift instead of merely taking delight in his misfortune. 

And what he brought were funeral flowers. 

Axel and Daniel were both carrying one each. 

“Don’t be mad.” Liam, who had waited until Bernice was gone, laughed out loud. “I’m just worried that no one will get these for you when Mr. Zymons kills your whole family. That’s why I prepared two beforehand.” 

Raymond and the others began whispering among themselves. 

Helen recognized Liam. “I’ve seen him on the internet. He’s Liam, the son of the Sable family. Why does it look like Finnegan has crossed him as well?”, 

“Look at the funeral flowers. Finnegan must have offended him,” Melinda said, her interest piqued. “Karma comes fast, huh? Now, the ungrateful Finnegan’s screwed. He offended two big shots!” 

Qahira was so delighted her face flushed. “Not bad. At this rate, he and his family are going to suffer a fate worse than what happened five years ago. Let’s see how he’s going to stay arrogant before us.” 

They spoke softly, but Finnegan heard everything. 

He looked away from Liam and shot daggers at them. 

Compared to Liam’s funeral flowers, he despised Raymond’s group’s evil hearts even more. 

Blood is thicker than water. 

Yet, they were acting like animals, praying every day that his family would end up in ruins. 

Finnegan tightened his fists, a murderous intent in his eyes. 

For the first time, he had the urge to kill these people who were his kin. 

The temperature around them turned cold. Raymond and the others could not help but shiver, and Helen even felt a chill run down her spine as cold sweat broke out. 

When she noticed Finnegan’s icy gaze, she felt guilty. 

Tugging at Melinda’s and Adrian’s arms, she prompted, “Mom, Dad, let’s leave first. Finnegan has crossed many people, and we might get involved in this because we’re his relatives.” 

Terror grew in Melinda’s heart. “Yes, you’re right. Let’s leave. Let’s not get implicated in this.” 

Both Raymond and Melinda shared the same sentiment. “Let’s go, let’s go. We’ll find out how he’s going to keep his proudful demeanor after his downfall soon.” 



The two families were swift to make themselves scarce. 

Without Desmond and Quiana around, they were more fearful of Finnegan. 

Liam mocked, “How despicable are you, Finnegan? Even your own kin thinks of you as the harbinger of misfortune.” 

Finnegan finally tore his eyes away from his kin to look at Liam, the veins on his clenched fists popping. 

A surge of murderous desire spread and filled his chest. 

Romona arched her brows and quickly stepped forward to stop Finnegan. “Don’t do it.” 

She was no dumb blonde, so she could sense Finnegan’s desire for bloodshed. 

Finnegan took a deep breath and said, “Captain Quickwood, tell me, what is disorderly conduct?” 

Romona replied, “A person commits disorderly conduct when their actions are with intent to cause public alarm, nuisance, jeopardy or violence, or knowingly or recklessly create a risk.” 

“Will it be possible to report him for disorderly conduct?” 

Finnegan lifted his hand to point at Liam. 

He could neither kill Liam in broad daylight nor do anything to him while Romona and the other police officers were around. However, he could not possibly be silent about this too. 

Romona was quick to comprehend what Finnegan was thinking about. “Men, arrest Liam and his two lackeys! Lock them up for fifteen days for disorderly conduct!” 

“Captain Quickwood, what is this?” 

Liam, who merely wanted to gloat over Finnegan’s misfortune, paled. 

Romona pointed at the funeral flowers and said, “Not only do you not have sympathy for a man whose shop was vandalized on the first day of the business, but you even sent him funeral flowers. Is this not disorderly conduct? And you were cursing at them and wishing death upon his whole family earlier. You did say that, didn’t you? Not even your grandpa can save you from this. I’m going to make sure that you stay in the cell for all fifteen days of your punishment.” 

A few police officers immediately rushed over to Liam. 

“Finnegan, have you ever thought of the consequences?” Liam asked, suppressing his resentment. 

Finnegan ignored him and walked past him. 

If not for the time and place, Liam would have been a dead man. 

Romona scoffed, “Are you threatening him too? Do you want me to charge you with one more offense?” 

Liam paled even more. 

“Captain Quickwood, my apologies for this matter. Please let me off.” 

He was here to scoff at Finnegan, not to get arrested. 



If news of this were to get out, surely, there would be plenty of people who would laugh at him for shooting himself in the foot. 

Romona was furious at Liam’s behavior. She waved her hand and said, “Bring them away!” 

“Finnegan, are you a coward?” 

When he was getting taken away, Liam roared the same words as Solomon did the night before. 

Alas, it was fruitless. The officers dragged him, Axel, and Daniel, into the car to take them to the station. 

“Finnegan, if there isn’t anything else, I’ll be leaving now,” Romona said as she approached Finnegan. 

Finnegan hummed in response. 

Knowing that Finnegan was feeling frustrated, Romona said, “Call me if there’s anything. Don’t do anything rash.” 

She was not afraid of anything happening to Finnegan, but the things that Finnegan would do that would stump the police department. 

After all, with a simple nod of his head, Finnegan could get the Wright family and Reynard to crush Solomon. 

“Where to now, Master?” Jerome asked, looking exhausted. 

“What about this, Mr. Magnussen?” Finnegan started. “We’ll only start renovating the clinic a few days later.” 

If they were to fix it that day, Solomon would surely wreck it again the next day. 


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