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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 238

"Excuse me. What are you doing?" Janet asked in confusion.

Daniel crouched in front of her. Janet's eyes fell on his wide back. She felt her heart tremble a little.

"I'm doing quite well. There's no need to carry me. I'm okay." Janet refused him right away. She felt it was not a big a deal. It's just that her toe hurt a bit. She's a strong woman. She could take it.

She then walked past him, and went on ahead.

But her wrist was grabbed by Daniel. He was still crouching when he coldly ordered, "Hop on my back!"

"No, it's not necessary!" Janet refused again in a soft voice, and then got free off his grip. And she even ran faster forward to prove that she was fine.

Daniel then ran too and caught up with her. Ignoring everyone's surprised looks, he carried her over his shoulder.


But Janet felt dizzy all of a sudden as her head was upside down. When she realized that she was draped on his shoulder, she hastily corrected herself, "Okay, Okay! Please carry me on your back! Don't hold me this way... It's uncomfortable."

Janet really felt uncomfortable as she could feel her blood all coming to her head.

Daniel then put her down, and Janet obediently climbed on his back. She said, "Hey, do you enjoy being tortured?"

"It depends; if you torture me on the bed, I'll be so pleased with it!" Daniel replied with a grin. He put on a sly smile, which Janet didn't see.

... Janet's face and ears turned red. 'This shameless man!'

She tweaked his ear and pretended to be angry, and said, "If you say one more of your shameless words, I'll pinch your ear hard!"

"Hey, let go!" ordered Daniel. He was angry as he frowned. No one ever dared tweak his ear!

Janet said in a proud voice, "No way! You deserve it! You bullied me just right now!"

Unexpectedly, Daniel suddenly patted on her hip with one of his hands.

Janet was shocked and became so frustrated; she had to loosen her hand.

"Daniel! You dare..." Janet wanted to pinch his ear again, but she didn't dare do it anymore as she knew she would just receive more punishments from him.

She heard a teasing laughter behind her, and this made Janet feel even more embarrassed. She said furiously, "Sven! What do you think you are laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at you! It's obvious! Daniel just hit you on your butt! Aha, ha..."

With Sven's words, everybody burst into laughter.

Janet slapped Daniel's arms and demanded, "It's your fault! Now, hurry up! Don't wait for them!"

Janet thought that they would keep making fun of her the whole day. 'Hum!'

Daniel didn't refuse her demand this time, and he picked up his speed.

Even though they were already going fast, Janet still could hear the conversations of the couple walking beside them. The woman complained, "Darling, look! That woman's husband treats her so well! Please look at him as a good example!"

"I think I have always treated you so well too, " said the man.

"I don't think so! You never carried me on your back! Look, her husband is not only handsome, but he is also considerate. Oh, god! I really want to throw you away, and marry him..." The woman had a dreamy tone on her words.

"Fine, okay! Don't throw me away, I'll carry you now!" said the man.

So, another couple of which the man was carrying the woman on his back... It was becoming a trend!

Janet initially wanted to tell the woman that he wasn't her husband, and she was forced to climb on his back.

But after a second thought, she felt that there was no point of making any explanation. She gave up and just kept her silence.

This time, Daniel carried her all the way to the foot of the mountain. They could see the parking lot in the far distance.

Janet jumped off his back, and said, "I can walk now! I'm all right!"

Daniel held her into his arms and looked deeply into her eyes, and asked, "Can't you say something good to me?" He actually wanted her to speak to him in a cute manner.

If she would demand it in a cute manner, he could carry her all the way up and then going down the mountain. She wouldn't need to walk one single step herself.

'Say something good?' Janet curled her lips and said, "Why must I say something good to you? Look at your fierce face, and you have the nerve to blame me!"

She would like to say something good or act in a cute manner to him. But that was when they were in the good old days.

But now, their relationship was not the same as before.

Daniel tried his best to soften the look on his face a little bit, and demanded, "Now, say something good to me!"


Janet felt utterly speechless.


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