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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 116

My heart began to race for Michael again as I watched him like a hawk. I felt extremely secure with him here.

“How do you propose we handle this, Mr. Shaw? She’s the deputy chief’s cousin, after all. It doesn’t seem very appropriate to punish her too severely,” looking at Michael with a troubled expression, the police chief explained in a small voice.

“I’ll leave this matter to you, but I hope you’ll handle it fairly, Chief Lewis. I’m a very protective man. I won’t let my people suffer for nothing.”

Michael spoke nonchalantly, but the warning in his words was unmistakable; he wanted a satisfactory answer.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Shaw. I’ll handle this matter impartially.”

Although Chief Lewis was put in a tight spot, he caved under Michael’s intimidating aura and agreed right away.

Without another word, Michael approached me with anger simmering in his eyes.

Upon noticing that Michael was staring straight at the handcuffs on my wrists, the chief immediately barked an order to the police officer standing behind him. “What are you waiting for? Uncuff them!”

At his superior’s orders, the officer quickly walked over to remove our handcuffs.

After being in cuffs for so long, the skin on my wrists stung with pain. Ignoring Michael, the first thing I did was hurry over to Natalie’s side to support her.

“Chief Lewis, settling this case should be very easy. I’m sure the surveillance cameras caught the other two people assaulting them. You don’t need me to provide any more evidence, right?”

“I understand. Rest assured, I’ll take care of this matter.”

Seeing as even the chief was so cautious in front of Michael, I realized that I was worrying over nothing.

But when I thought about Michael’s lofty status, I wasn’t all that surprised. It seemed like John and his new woman were the unfortunate ones.

“What’s going on, Franklin? Why are the two of them being released? They attacked me. Are you really going to let them go just like that?”

Unwilling to see Natalie and I walk free just like that, the woman walked to the deputy chief with discontent written on her face.

“That’s enough. You’re on your own now. I can’t help you this time.”

Sighing in exasperation, the deputy chief shook off her hand and promptly walked away.

“Franklin, wait! Don’t go!” the woman called out, but the deputy chief ignored her completely.

“Well? Don’t just stand there! Arrest the two of them!” the police chief ordered the two officers behind him whilst pointing at John and his woman.


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