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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 117

“Natalie, forgive me just this once. I promise to cut all ties with her. Let’s start over again, okay?”

Ignoring the woman, John shifted his gaze back to Natalie, peering into her eyes anxiously.

Faced with his pleading gaze, Natalie regarded him with contempt.

“You’re pathetic, you know that? Pushing all the blame onto your woman like that.”

Anyone with eyes could see that John was a pathetic and cowardly man. Since Natalie had lost hope in him, I was very certain she wouldn’t give him another chance.

“Nat…” Sensing Natalie’s animosity, John called out anxiously.

He wanted to say more, but Natalie cut him off before he could.

Suppressing the rage in her heart, Natalie spat, “Get lost! You’re the most disgusting man I’ve ever met in my life! This is payback for the two slaps you gave me.”

Then, she walked to my side without sparing another glance at John.

Seeing the impatient frown on Michael’s face, the chief immediately ordered the police officers, “Hurry and take them away!”

John and his woman were soon taken away, and the interrogation room was peaceful once more.

“Chief Lewis, if we’re done here, I’ll be taking these two women away now. Don’t forget about your promise to handle this impartially,” Michael pinned the chief with a stern gaze and said indifferently.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Shaw. I’ll make sure there’s no preferential treatment,” Chief Lewis reassured respectfully.

I didn’t understand why, but I could see that he was slightly apprehensive of Michael.

“Good. We’ll be leaving then.”

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Michael walked toward me.

Sensing him approaching me, I felt my heart pick up speed. This man had been constantly making my life a living hell in the past few days. Hence, I didn’t know why he showed up here all of a sudden.

Michael stopped in front of me but remained silent. As I was hesitating whether or not to initiate a conversation, he abruptly bent down to scoop me into his arms.

I widened my eyes at him in mortification, and my heart started beating wildly in my chest.

After recovering from my shock, I yelled at him for doing something so outrageous at the police station, “Michael, what are you doing? Put me down.”

Before I could get in another word, he frostily interrupted me with a furious glare. “Shut up!”

His aura was too powerful and I panicked, unable to utter another word.

Thus, I was carried out of the police station with Natalie quietly trailing behind us.

Once outside, Michael’s secretary hurried over to greet us. Upon seeing my face, shock flashed in his eyes.

Staring at me with wide eyes, he asked with concern, “What happened to your face, Ms. Garcia?”

“It’s nothing. I was just slapped twice by someone.”

Anger surged in me again when I thought about those two slaps, and I was filled with the strong urge to return the favor. However, I was a sensible person. If I really did that, I probably wouldn’t be able to leave the police station again.

“Send her friend home,” Michael said to his secretary with knitted brows.


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