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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 121

Michael was on the verge of flying into a rage, and I wondered if his fist was going to land on me the next second.

I initially thought he was a very chivalrous man, and that despite being hot-tempered and indifferent, hitting women was where he drew the line. But at the police station earlier, I saw him hit a woman with my own eyes. What he said about not having any qualms hitting women made me worry that I’d be his next victim.

The ferociousness of this man was beyond my imagination. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.

I blanched in horror and could only shake my head in a daze.

Yuval and I were officially together, but I didn’t want our relationship to develop too quickly. I had never even considered having sex with Yuval.

After getting my answer, the rage in Michael’s eyes faded slightly, but I could still feel his chilly aura surrounding me.

“You’re mine, Anna. Remember that!” he said domineeringly.

Without giving me the chance to speak, he tore off my clothes, and the sound of fabric ripping resounded through the room.

Half an hour later, both of us were on our backs, gasping for breath.


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