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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 122

“Get lost!” I bellowed, at the end of my rope, and turned my back to him.

How shameless! I’d rather not argue with him anymore. There’s no point!

After such a taxing encounter with him, I went straight to bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

By the time I woke up, it was already noontime. Shielding my eyes from the harsh sunlight pouring in from the window, I turned my head to the side and was glad to find that Michael was gone.

As I checked the time on my phone, I noticed I had several missed calls, and all of them were from Yuval. Assuming that he was probably just trying to get me back after missing my call last night, I opted not to call back as I did not feel like there was a need to explain the incident to him since it was already over.

After tossing my phone into my bag, I got out of bed and retrieved my skirt from the floor. I planned to get dressed and leave right after, but when I found my blouse, I almost burst into tears. Michael had ripped the top beyond repair last night.

Why does he have to be so violent every time? I’m as poor as dirt! How many of my clothes has he ruined already? I don’t have much money to buy new clothes.

Sighing in frustration, I searched the room for another top to wear.

However, I suddenly remembered that I had taken all of my clothes back a few days ago, so there was none left in the entire house.

In the end, I set my eyes on Michael’s shirt that was hanging in the bathroom.

As a man who was exceptionally particular about cleanliness and hygiene, it was understandable why the shirt was spotless even though he had worn it the day before.

Looking at the shirt, I realized that he seemed to like wearing white shirts. Other than white, he wore black most of the time.

Sensing that his figure had popped into my mind again, I immediately shook my head vigorously to make myself stop at once. Ugh! Have I been bewitched? Why do I keep thinking about him so frequently? Every day, I tell myself that I should hate him, but I still can’t help but think of him.

Unwilling to dwell on the matter, I quickly wore the shirt and went out to the living room to find him, but he was nowhere to be found.

What the hell? He told me that he would send me back today. He’s probably forgotten about me.

I was slightly displeased with Michael, but since we were no longer a couple, I did not have the right to grumble over the matter. Therefore, I took my bag and strode to the door, ready to leave.

Going out in Michael’s clothes would attract a lot of attention, but I had no other choice — it was without doubt that wearing a man’s shirt was way better than going out without a top.

I’d rather die than going topless in public.

Just as I was about to leave, the door was opened, and Michael came into sight.

Today, he was clothed all in black. The monochromatic shade elongated his figure greatly and accentuated his long legs. Upon seeing the shirt I was wearing, he arched his eyebrow quizzically. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going home, of course. Do I need to stay here forever?” I snapped, looking up at him in displeasure.

“Let me send you back then.”


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