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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 150

“Bah! How can you be certain that he can get it up when you’ve never slept with him? Although he appears manly, it’s difficult to say when it comes to such a thing.”

Even after I had insisted otherwise, Millie didn’t pay it the slightest mind. At that moment, she truly felt that Michael couldn’t get it up.

Heaving a sigh, I zipped my mouth shut, knowing that she would definitely suspect something if I were to continue defending Michael. I didn’t want her to know about my relationship with him.

After working the entire day, I went to the supermarket to buy some fresh vegetables when I got off work. Then, I went back to Birchwood and started preparing dinner.

While I was cooking, Natalie phoned and asked where I had been in the past two nights. She asked whether I had stayed overnight at the hospital, and I answered her truthfully, telling her that I had been at Michael’s place.

Shocked, she kept quizzing me about my relationship with Michael. Nonetheless, I merely gave her a perfunctory reply and promised to explain things to her the next day.

By the time I was done preparing dinner, Michael had already returned. As he gazed at the dishes I cooked, satisfaction manifested on his handsome countenance.

“Since you’re home, wash your hands and eat,” I urged mildly, staring at the man who had taken a seat on the couch.

After washing his hands, Michael sat down across from me and started eating elegantly. Meanwhile, I kept my gaze on his alluring face. When I abruptly recalled Millie’s speculation earlier, a bark of laughter escaped me.

At my gaffe, Michael lifted his head and stared at me with a deep frown marring his face. “Why are you laughing, Anna?”

Ever since we arrived at the office that morning, I had been angering him time and again. Irked with me in the first place, his expression darkened further upon seeing me laughing at him.

“It’s nothing. I just thought of something funny,” I answered placidly.

Stifling my laughter, I kept my eyes trained on his as I tried my best to feign indifference.

“What was it that amused you so greatly?” Michael questioned intriguingly as he stared at me, no longer eating.

Ironically, his current expression made it seem all the more hilarious to me.

“I heard a female employee talking about you in the office today.”

I stopped at that and fastened my eyes on him to discern his reaction.

“So, what was it about?”

It was as though Michael could guess what I was going to say next, for the interest on his face suddenly vanished. He had probably heard female employees talking about him a lot, commending him on his striking countenance, wealth, and how he was an eligible bachelor whom they all wanted to bed.

However, those weren’t what I wanted to tell him. “There’s currently a female employee in the office who thinks that you can’t get it up.”

I feigned a calm expression as I spoke. After saying that, I buried my head in the food, saying nothing as I awaited his wrath.

Sure enough, his expression instantly turned grim on the heels of my words. The look in his eyes as he stared at me blazed with fury.

“So, you think that my skills in bed aren’t satisfactory, Anna?” he hissed through gritted teeth, his face as dark as charcoal.

No man could accept a woman thinking that their performance in bed was below par, and Michael was no exception. His gaze radiated intense rage.

“I didn’t say that! I merely heard that from someone else!” I hastily clarified upon noticing that he had shifted his attention to me.


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