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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 151


I still wanted to argue, but Michael didn’t give me the opportunity to speak further. Before I could finish my sentence, he captured my lips, sealing my mouth tightly that I couldn’t even utter a single word.

Not only was his kiss wild and domineering, but it even seemed to be colored with a hint of fury.

I guess that’s to be expected. Any man will get up in arms upon hearing my words earlier, so it’s already a miracle that he managed to keep himself in check until now.

As he continued smooching me, he placed me on the bed.

All at once, my eyes widened as ire and annoyance swept over me.

Piqued, I wanted to push Michael off me. However, he was like a huge boulder weighing down on me without budging an inch, no matter how hard I tried to shove him away.

“You’d better be good and cooperate with me tonight. Otherwise, your struggles will only arouse me further,” Michael warned in a deep and mesmerizing voice.

Right then, his beguiling lips were brushing against my ear as he grasped both my wrists with a hand.

I initially wanted to continue struggling, but I immediately stopped upon hearing that. I knew that he definitely wasn’t joking with me, after all.

The moment I ceased struggling, a smug smile hovered over his lips.

“Are you done, Michael? I can’t take it anymore…”

With both hands against his chest, I looked at him with misery written all over my face.

“This is just the beginning. As I said, I’m going to show you my prowess tonight!”

As Michael spoke, he kept thrusting into me.

Hearing that, I was rendered speechless.

Jeez, he’s really holding a long grudge. I’ve clarified that it was someone else who said that, so why is he still piling all the blame on me? Ah, woe is me!

“I know you can get it up. I’ve never said otherwise…”

After this particular incident, I had learned a lesson—never tell a man that he couldn’t get it up, especially one with Michael’s temperament.

“That’s it? Are you well-pleased tonight?”

My remark didn’t satisfy Michael, and he stared at me with a wicked glint in his eyes.

Dumbstruck, I went silent.


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