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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Ronan Helped Me To Get A Job

Everything went back to peace, and those men never came back. The next time I left the house, I noticed that the number of securities had risen. Upon an inquiry, I was informed that Michael had made a complaint about security to the management.

Michael’s influence spanned over the entire Avenport, and many people feared him. As such, when he complained, everyone reacted quickly.

He was a man who never liked to have his whereabouts made known. As such, I was shocked when I heard that he had complained to the management himself for my sake.

Although I was touched by it, an uneasy feeling grew inside of me. Michael had been treating me differently lately, and it scared me. I was afraid that I would break my own promise and go looking for him if he continued treating me so nicely.

That day, I was sitting in the living room. As I looked at the brand new furniture laying around the house, I felt like I was in a different place despite the fact that it was still the same house.

When my mind was elsewhere, my phone suddenly rang. The moment I saw the caller ID, I couldn’t help but frown. It was Ronan. I answered it.

“Hello?” came my flat greeting the moment the call connected.

Recently, I had been focusing on my pregnancy and finding a job. So, I didn’t get in touch with Ronan for quite a long time. As soon as I became aware of this, I felt odd since Ronan had not contacted me during that time, too.

“It’s been a while since we talked. Do you miss me?” As soon as the call was connected, Ronan’s teasing voice came through, and it made me frown.

This guy never changes. We haven’t got in touch for so long, and his first sentence to me is a cheeky one.

“I’ve been busy, and I don’t have time for your nonsense. If you merely called to tease me, please end the call.”

My voice was full of irritation as I didn’t have the energy to entertain him. After all, I needed those energies to find a job. Ronan was an unemployed and a good-for-nothing man. Though he was an adult, he had no plan to look for a job.

“Regardless of how busy you are, you must have time for a meal, right? I want to bring you to lunch,” demanded Ronan.

Despite the disappointment after hearing my remark, Ronan didn’t give up. It was just like him to ask me repeatedly until I gave in.

“I really have things to do in the afternoon. I need to go look for a job.”

Upon hearing Ronan’s invitation, I instinctively rejected him. At that moment, my mind was full of the fact that I still hadn’t got a job, and I didn’t want to waste my time with him.

“Aww, come on, I just want to bring you to dinner. You don’t have to reject me so bluntly. If you need a job, I can help you with it. I do have a lot of connections, after all.”

Seeing that I rejected him, Ronan tried to tempt me with what I wanted at the moment—a job.

“You have a job suitable for me?”

When I heard that Ronan could help me in getting a job, I was intrigued. After all, my priority now was to get a job and earn money as I needed to prepare for my baby’s birth.

“Yes. Are you doubting me?”


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