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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254 Worsening Of Morning Sickness

“Ronan, you…”

Whenever Ronan said things like that, I didn’t know how to respond to him. I wanted to say something in reply, but he stopped me before I could finish my sentence.

“Let’s not talk about it anymore. Here, eat more. You’re getting thinner these few days.”

As he spoke, he served me a piece of meat.

Before pregnancy, I was a meat lover. However, ever since I got pregnant, I would start retching whenever I saw any oily meat.

At that instant, I felt sick. I quickly covered my mouth and rushed toward the toilet.

“Anna, are you all right?” upon seeing my reaction, Ronan yelled worriedly at me.

However, I didn’t have time to respond to him as I made a beeline to the washroom.

Inside the washroom, I leaned on the basin and vomited everything I had just eaten. Despite that, I still felt terribly uncomfortable.

I could only gurgle multiple times to wash away the bitterness in my mouth. It took me a long time before I finally felt better. I noticed that for the past few days, my morning sickness had worsened.

After tidying myself up, I walked out of the washroom.

Ronan was looking at me worriedly when I got back to my seat.

“What happened to you just now? Are you feeling unwell?”

“I’m fine. Just having nausea,” I explained flatly and dismissed with a wave. I remained silent about my pregnancy as I feared that Ronan might accidentally spill the beans to Michael.

“You don’t look well. Why don’t I bring you to the hospital?”

Ronan accepted my explanation without any question. Nonetheless, he was still worried about me. Although his concern warmed my heart, I started panicking at his suggestion.

“No, that won’t be necessary. I must have eaten something wrong. I’ll be fine after a rest,” I immediately rejected Ronan’s proposal.

I was scared about him bringing me to a hospital. Michael was a man with connections. If he heard about Ronan bringing me to the hospital, there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t find out about the pregnancy, and I really didn’t want him to know about it.

“Are you sure that you’re okay? You look terrible.”

Ronan frowned worriedly at me, his voice full of concern.

“I’m really fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

Ronan could be as stubborn as a mule once he had decided something. In order to prevent him from pushing to bring me to the hospital, I quickly changed the subject.

“Have you finished eating? If you are, please bring me home. I need some rest.”

Although I was in the early stage of my pregnancy, my morning sickness was rather severe. Every time I ate, I would throw it all out. Right now, after vomiting, I had lost all of my energy, and I really wanted to just lay in bed.

“Okay. I’ll send you home now. You really don’t look too good,” said Ronan when he noticed how sick I was. He drove me home straight without taking me around the city as usual.

With all my energy sapped, I had Ronan drop me outside my residential area instead of the bus stop. Since Michael had moved out, I didn’t have to worry that they would bump into each other.


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