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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Feeling Guilty

Although I did not care about others’ opinions of me, Emma’s dubious gaze still irked me. This woman always thinks of others badly!

“I’m here for a medical checkup,” I replied in apathy, trying to shake her off.

Emma sauntered toward me and looked at me in faint disdain. “Medical checkup? Ms. Garcia, are you feeling sick? By the way, this hospital is under Ronan. If you do have any illness, I might be able to get you a discount,” she said with courtesy. Although she spoke politely, I could tell she was feigning it. Her words were not out of concern but to proclaim her possession of Michael.

Of course, I got what Emma was trying to imply loud and clear, but I had no idea what Michael and Ronan were thinking. Regardless, any thoughts that they had mattered naught to me now.

I was aware that the reason Emma stopped me was so that she could drop those words to bemuse and embarrass me.

Therefore, I responded indifferently so that I could leave the place faster. “I don’t need it, Ms. Jones. If you have nothing else, I shall take my leave first” With that, I turned to walk away.

“Ms. Garcia, the wedding between Michael and I will be held next Sunday. If you’re free, I hope you’ll come to celebrate with us,” she said as she slightly raised the corner of her mouth, sneering.

Her words immediately caused my heart to clench in pain.

Irrefutably, she knew my weakness very well—that I still loved Michael. She intentionally reminded me of the wedding just to evoke my anguish. I had to say, she succeeded.

“Emma, you’re crossing the line!”

Irked, Michael glared at Emma in vague vexation. As I had spent much time with Michael, I knew he was genuinely angry at that moment. However, since he could not rebuke her in public, he simply stared at her coldly.

Noticing Michael’s rage, Emma still intended to verbalize her sarcasm. However, she met his menacing gaze as she opened her mouth. Instantly, she swallowed her words and looked at him in indignance.

Obviously, she was afraid of angering Michael. However, the fact that Michael and I had appeared at the hospital at the same time had incited her jealousy.

Although I was in so much agony it felt as though my heart was stabbed, I still forced a smile and turned to look at Emma. “I don’t think I’ll be attending since I don’t have what it takes to take part in such a high-profile wedding.”

As soon as I dropped my words, Michael frowned and gazed at me gloomily. Exasperated, he marched past me without uttering a word.

To him, I was but a stranger now. I reckoned he couldn’t be bothered to even spare me a glance.

Emma realized that her unrestrained temper had infuriated Michael. Hence, she threw a malicious glare at me and immediately trotted toward him.

I stood still and watched as they left. The moment they were out of my sight, my tough facade instantly crumbled.

I gazed in the direction where Michael left as I smiled wryly.

Standing not far away, Ronan was watching me. Unable to ignore my disheartenment, he walked toward me and tried to console me.

“Shall we have a chat?” he asked in a gentle tone.


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