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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259 Michael Got Injured

“Yes. This is all my fault. However, I only did what I did because I know Michael and I will never stay together. I didn’t want too many people to know that we’ve been in a relationship. This was also the reason why I can’t accept your feeling.”

Ronan’s genuine affection for me made me feel the need to explain everything to him clearly. Even though my feelings toward Michael had receded, I could never agree to get together with Ronan, for I was once Michael’s lover.

“Enough. You don’t need to explain anymore. Everything is finally clear to me after so long. At the very least, I don’t need to be deceived by you two like a fool anymore.”

Before I could explain further, he cut me off. At that moment, I reckoned that my words would not make any difference as they could never negate the damage I dealt him.

The woman he loved was his cousin’s lover. He must think of me as revolting and despicable.

Ronan gazed at me with a bitter smile before he turned and stalked away wordlessly. Watching his retreating figure, I could vaguely sense his devastation.

Never had I expected things to turn out this way. Aside from the anguish that I felt from losing Michael, I was also swamped with guilt from the way things turned out between me and Ronan.

Ronan had treated me earnestly and did a lot for me. On the contrary, I acted selfishly and hurt him.

I thought that maybe a woman like me would never get to have a happy ending.

Distressed, I returned home feeling enervated. It should have been a great day after learning that my child was developing healthily. Unfortunately, Emma’s appearance had ruined it all.

For the next few days, I never stepped foot out of my house. Even when I had the urge to call Ronan sometimes, I would tamp those urges down.

As things had aggravated to such a degree, I could never ask Ronan to forgive me. Of course, I wished for his forgiveness, but I was too ashamed to call.

While I was brooding alone in the living room, a knock suddenly came from the door, pulling me back to my senses. Immediately, I directed my gaze at it.

I rarely had visitors. In addition, I had become vigilant after my house was destroyed last time. Hence, I peeped through the door viewer to ensure my safety. Upon seeing Michael standing outside, I was startled.

What is he doing here? He has not come here for a long time. Plus, he’s going to get married soon. More the reason he shouldn’t be here.

“Anna. Open the door!” Michael demanded impatiently and rang the doorbell incessantly when he saw that the door had yet to open after some time.

I stood at the entrance and hesitated for a moment. In the end, I decided to open the door.

Before I could even look at Michael’s face, he pulled me into his arms abruptly.

Surprised, I froze. My mind stopped me from pushing Michael away as his embrace was what I longed for all this time.

“Michael, what are you doing here?”

Although my heart was fluttering as I nestled in Michael’s embrace, I forced my voice to sound calm. I was becoming more and more confused about the state of our relationship.

“Don’t move,” he demanded when I tried to push him away.


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