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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Take Care Of Me And My Baby

Surprised by my decision, Ronan looked at me, perplexed and with an anxious expression.

Perhaps, he thought that Michael would return to my side because of my pregnancy. After all, that was what a reasonable person would do.

“It’s already over between me and Michael. I’ve decided to raise my child alone. Ronan, if you still see me as your friend, I hope that you won’t spill the beans to Michael.”

I stared at Ronan, pleading to him with my eyes. Although I wished to be together with Michael, I knew that he never had me in his heart. Even if I had his child, I would rather he choose to be with me because he genuinely loved me.

Ronan gazed at me for a long time, hesitating to say something. In the end, he merely nodded in agreement.

With his promise to keep the secret, I felt much relieved. Otherwise, judging from his personality, I was afraid that he would confront Michael immediately and tell him about my pregnancy.

“Thank you.”

I thanked Ronan sincerely. Ever since we first met each other, he had helped me significantly. As I know that my relationship with Michael had harmed him, I felt very guilty toward him.

“You’ve decided that you’ll never be together with him ever?” Raising his head and meeting my gaze, he asked in a surprisingly solemn tone.

Although the thought of never being together with Michael saddened me, I nodded my head resolutely. After all, I could not change the dictates of fate.

When Ronan heard that, he cast his gaze downward. I did not know what he was thinking about, but there was a serious look on his face that I had never seen before.

He stood up and walked toward me.

When he approached me, I started to feel flustered. I raised my head and gazed at him, not knowing what he was going to do. Is he going mad again?

“What are you doing, Ronan?”

I looked at him nervously.

Still silent, he stared at me with a serious look before going down on one knee.

When I saw his actions, I jumped up in shock. “What are you doing?”

I was genuinely startled by him. He stared at me intently and said, “Anna, you know very clearly how I feel about you. Since you won’t be together with Michael, let me raise your child together with you. I’ll definitely dote on your child like my own.”

Standing paralyzed to the spot, I looked at him in utter shock. Is this guy mad? Is he saying that he wants to be together with me?

Despite knowing that my baby is Michael’s, and the fact that Michael is his cousin, he still wanted to be with me? How ridiculous!

“Ronan, this joke isn’t funny at all. Stand up now!”

Panicking, I gazed at him and tried my best to treat his words as a joke. I simply could not accept what he had just said.

“Do I look like I’m joking? I’m being very serious here!”


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