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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Keep The Secret

“That had better be the case!” rebuked Emma before leaving with Michael.

Once both of them disappeared from my sight, I walked to the door and slammed it behind me forcefully. I would be lying if I said that Emma’s words had not angered me in the slightest bit.

I knew that any woman would find my past relationship with Michael unacceptable. However, all the things that Emma had done made me detest her greatly.

It also turned out that Michael already knew that Emma was the one who destroyed my house. However, he did nothing about it and news of their marriage was announced shortly after.

I wondered how important I was to Michael. Could all those outrageous things that Emma have done be forgiven so easily?

I was furious and saddened by Michael’s actions.

Recently, as my morning sickness had become more severe, I stayed at home almost every day, not wanting to go anywhere. It was only after my pregnancy that I realized how tough life was for mothers.

There were only ten days left till Michael’s wedding with Emma. Every day was like torture to me and my agony only increased as their wedding day approached.

I prepared a simple breakfast that morning. After eating, I planned to go to bed and rest. Regardless of what I ate, I had no appetite. All I wanted to do was to lie on the bed.

Before I reached my bedroom, the doorbell rang. Frowning warily, I opened the door. To my surprise, it was Ronan.

“Why are you here?”

When I spoke to Ronan the previous time, he had left furiously. After he found out how much I had hidden from him, I thought that he would never contact me again. Hence, it caught me by surprise when he suddenly looked for me.

“I’d like to talk to you.”

When Ronan saw me, his expression became awkward. A long time passed before he said anything.

Not knowing what he wanted to speak to me about, I felt quite unsettled. Nonetheless, I turned aside and let him in.

Ronan sat on the couch in the living room, while I sat opposite him. After what happened the previous time, it felt like we could no longer start a conversation anymore.

Previously when we met, Ronan would always act very casually. The atmosphere had never been so awkward before.

I raised my head and glanced at Ronan’s face, wanting to diffuse the awkward atmosphere when I spotted some bruises on his face, which looked like those on Michael’s.

“What happened to your face?”

That day, Michael’s face was also injured. However, Ronan’s bruises looked more severe than his. Did both of them get beaten up at the same time?

When Ronan heard my question, he touched his bruises and chuckled embarrassedly. “It’s nothing. I just fought with someone.”

With a personality like his, I was not surprised that he would get into a fight. However, as Michael’s face was also injured that day, I felt suspicious.

“Did you fight with Michael?”

Both of them were influential people, so no one in their right mind would dare to touch them. The only possibility was that they fought with each other.

“How did you know?” asked Ronan in disbelief. He widened his eyes when he heard my guess.


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