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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 278

Caught by surprise, Michael froze momentarily before giving me a probing look. “Did my mom drop by?” Indeed, nothing could escape his eyes. I lowered my head, my silence implicitly admitting it.

Michael’s face clouded over. It was obvious to me that he was frustrated. Just when he was about to answer me after a brief pause, his phone suddenly rang. When he took it out from his pocket and saw that it was his mother, his expression darkened even more.

Obviously, Josephine was calling Michael to get him to break up with me. I felt a little nervous as I wondered what his decision would be.

Looking at Michael, I clasped my hands anxiously and waited for him to answer. “Hello, Mom,” Michael answered the call plainly. His tone didn’t betray the solemn expression on his face. “Michael, come home at once.

I want to talk to you about Anna.” When I heard Josephine’s snarky tone over the phone, I figured she must be still exasperated with me. Upon hearing his mother’s orders, Michael snapped, “I’m busy and exhausted today. Whatever it is, we’ll talk another day.”

He sounded emotionless. It seemed to me that both mother and son were not on the same page. “Michael, you are getting more headstrong by the day. Do you really want to piss me off over a girl?” Sitting opposite Michael, I could hear everything loud and clear.

Insecurity began to creep up on me when I heard Josephine’s words. I was really worried that Michael would abandon me and my child because of her.

I lowered my head so that Michael couldn’t see my nervous expression. However, as he was an observant man, my tense body didn’t escape his notice. “You should know that there’s no going back once I’ve made my decision.”

Michael spoke in a soft voice, despite his furrowed eyebrows and firm stance. After all, he was talking to his own mother. “I’m not feeling well. You should come back and visit me tonight.

It has been a long time since you came home to see me. Do you even care for me still?” Josephine stopped talking about me and quickly changed the topic. Michael hesitated for a moment before he said, “All right, I’ll be back in half an hour.”

After the call ended, I looked at Michael anxiously. Although Josephine had changed the subject, I was certain that she would broach the matter with Michael when he got home.

“I’ll head home for a while. You should get some rest,” Michael said as he kept his phone and stood up from his seat. When I saw that he was about to leave, I was overwhelmed by a sense of insecurity.

I was terrified that all happiness I had in my hands would simply disappear. Looking at him, I asked in desperation, “Michael, will you leave me and our child?” At that moment, I needed to hear his reassurances.


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