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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 279

Hugging Michael gave me a strong sense of security, and I felt like I could solve any problem that came my way. Throughout the next couple of days, he left the house early and came home late, but never once did he neglect me.

In fact, he even had the housekeepers prepare different dishes for me each meal. However, the fact that Josephine objected to our relationship still left me feeling uneasy, and Michael coming home late every night wasn’t exactly helping.

That night, I couldn’t stand it anymore and decided to wait for Michael in the living room as I wanted to know what he had been up to lately. I didn’t know why, but I seemed to have become a lot more sensitive ever since I got pregnant.

Michael finally came home when the clock was about to strike midnight, and he seemed really exhausted when he walked through the door. I had thought of questioning him, but the words became stuck in my throat when I saw the state he was in.

Suppressing the burning rage in my heart, I walked up to him with a faint smile. “You’re finally back.” “Why are you up so late? Didn’t I tell you not to wait up for me if I’m home late?” Michael frowned when he saw that I was still awake, but I could tell he wasn’t actually angry at me.

“I… I couldn’t sleep…” I had wanted to ask him the burning question in the back of my mind, but I didn’t know how to go about it all of a sudden. “Is something the matter?” Michael was a smart guy and knew something was up when he saw me stammering hesitantly.

“I…” I lowered my head after looking him in the eye. “You’ve been leaving the house early and coming home really late these days, so I wanted to know what you’re so busy with.” I then glanced at Michael nervously as I didn’t know how he would respond to my question.

“You stayed up so late just to ask me this?” Michael asked coldly. I kept quiet and simply looked down in acknowledgement. Although Michael didn’t say anything about my behavior, I could feel that I was being a little unreasonable.

Michael has already promised to be together with me, and yet I’m still questioning him like this… I bet he must really hate me for this… Instead of getting mad at me, Michael simply looked me in the eye and replied patiently, “I’ve been busy handling the breach of contract and the preparations for our wedding.” I felt my heart racing when I heard him mention our wedding. That’s right… Michael is a man of his word.

I should’ve trusted him fully right from the start. When he saw me keeping my head low with a guilty expression, he walked up to me and patted my head as he said firmly, “I know what you’re thinking, Anna.


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