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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 288

Michael had showered me with so much love these days that I could not help but think of this period as the most blissful time of my life. I had just set foot beyond the main gates of our development when a black Mercedes-Benz drove up to me and stopped, blocking my path.

I frowned slightly, displeased at the driver’s manners. Since I was in an excellent mood, I decided to let it go and walk around the car. Suddenly, the back window of the car was lowered. I was Josephine inside the car. Her unannounced visit made my heart sink.

I had a bad feeling about this. Josephine had been vocal about her objections to Michael’s relationship with me. She was undoubtedly here to pursue her agenda of destroying our relationship. She must be getting anxious now that our wedding is near.

Regardless of how unsettled I felt at her appearance, I forced myself to approach the open car window and greet her politely. “Hello, Mrs. Shaw.” I had never treated Josephine with anything less than respect, yet despite my best efforts, her icy demeanor toward me never thawed. Josephine glanced at me coolly before shifting her gaze to stare ahead.

“Ms. Garcia, I’d like to speak with you about some matters. Shall we have our conversation here or do you think we should talk somewhere else?” She said all this somewhat casually, yet I felt chills down my spine.

It was not difficult to guess the purpose of this conversation, even if I did not have the specifics. Common courtesy demanded that I invite Josephine to my house. However, the thought of being cooped up in the house alone with Josephine stressed me out. I looked at my surroundings; to my relief, I spied a café in the distance. “Mrs. Shaw, we can try the café over there. They’ve just opened recently and I’ve heard good reviews about their menu.”

The café alleviated my fears about being alone with Josephine. I thought a public space would help to reduce some of the tension between us. Like it or not, once Michael and I were married, she would be my mother-in-law, and I did not wish to have a poor relationship with her. Josephine followed my gaze, and I saw surprise flitting through her eyes. She’s probably shocked that I suggested a café instead of my place.

I guess now I know that she’s got some pretty choice words for our conversation. “Drive,” she ordered her driver instead of replying to me and rolled up the window soon after. I sighed in resignation as I watched the luxury sedan driving toward the café.

What is she going to say this time? Nothing she could say would make me leave Michael. That did not mean that I desired Josephine’s blessing any less. No one wants to enter their marriage on the wrong foot with the husband’s mother. By the time I got to the café, Josephine was already waiting at a table. I took a deep breath to steel myself before taking a seat opposite her. “Mrs. Shaw, would you like something to drink?” I asked nervously at the sight of her stoic expression.


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