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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 289

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 289 The Power Of Love

I lowered my head and fell silent. Josephine’s motive was now clear as day: she merely wanted to remind me of my inferiority compared to their family. “This is but one example of the differences between you and Michael. You come from different worlds and naturally possess different tastes.

Even if you get married, you’ll struggle to cope with each other’s lifestyle habits. Michael has never had to worry about putting food on the table for a day in his life while you’re used to your rural ways. Your marriage is doomed from the start.”

I remained silent. Her deceptively calm tone worsened instead of soothing the sting of her words. I would be blind not to notice the stark difference between our lifestyles. Still, I believed that love transcended all borders in class and status. Josephine may have succeeded in humiliating me and reminding me of the differences in our social standing, but that did not mean she had convinced me to give up on my relationship with Michael.

“With all due respect, Mrs. Shaw, Michael and I may occasionally run into such problems in the future, but I’m confident that our love for one another will trump these differences,” I delivered my line earnestly and met Josephine’s gaze.

I had made my stance clear; I would never leave Michael, no matter what Josephine said. I love him, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. She fumed at my determination. Her angry stare seemed to have lasted an eternity before she eventually said, “Ms. Garcia, are you telling me that you won’t leave Michael?” Josephine had dropped all pretense of acting civil toward me.

Evidently, my obstinance was driving her mad and she had no qualms about baring her claws now. I was surprised at how quickly her attitude soured. Still, I was not about to give in. I nodded my head and said, “Yes. I’m going to be with Michael regardless of what anyone else thinks.

The only person who can convince me to leave him is himself.” Being with Michael meant putting up with both the good times and the bad. I swore to myself that I would never leave him unless he initiated the breakup himself. Josephine’s rage intensified. I could tell that her patience with me had run dry.

“Ms. Garcia, I was going to spare you your dignity, but it looks like I was overly concerned for your wellbeing.” Her tone seemed to have chilled several degrees. I scrunched my brows in confusion.

My gut instinct told me that things were about to take a turn for the worse. Josephine rummaged in her purse that was sitting on the chair beside her. A couple of seconds later, she pulled out some photos and tossed them on the table between us.


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