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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 290

“Y-You!” Josephine sputtered with anger, now offended at my indifference about the photographs. “Mrs. Shaw, if you’re here to convince me to leave Michael, I’m sorry, but I can’t concede to your request.

Nothing you do or say can force me to change my mind!” I declared firmly and calmly, undeterred by her rage. Being together with Michael was the only silver lining in my life right now. I would not allow anyone to take my happiness away from me.

“Anna Garcia, I’m Michael’s mother. What do you think he’ll say about your rude attitude?” Josephine had regained her composure at an astonishingly fast speed, though rage still burned in her eyes. “It’s exactly because you’re his mother that I’ve been putting up with your antics, but you’ve never once shown me the respect I deserve.”

I’ve wasted too much time trying to convince her to accept me. How can she sacrifice Michael’s happiness to further her interests? “Respect? I refuse to respect a gold-digger! If you knew your place, you should have left Michael a long time ago!” Gone was Josephine’s calm facade as she glared at me disdainfully.

I inhaled deeply to suppress my rage. Her words and her assumptions were nothing short of offensive. Is that what she truly thinks of me? A gold-digger? I wondered if the members of high society viewed everyone around them through a materialistic lens.

Is one’s self-worth truly defined by his or her class? Do the poor have no right to pursue their happiness? “Mrs. Shaw, I’ve always been patient and civil to you for Michael’s sake. My only wish was for you to return my respect. I may come from the village, but my pride is as valuable to me as the next person. I won’t allow you to trample over it.” Her status as Michael’s mother did not give her the right to insult and humiliate me as and when she pleased.

Enough was enough. Josephine looked like she had more to say, though I did not wish to subject myself to further humiliation. I stared at her and hesitated for the briefest of moments before I stood up. Bowing slightly to her, I turned and took my leave.

Her stubbornness left no room for reasonable discussion. I’m not going to listen to anything else she has to say. Either way, I’m not leaving Michael. I could feel her glare on my back as I left the café. To her credit, she did not stop me. Perhaps she realized the futility of bullying me into leaving Michael.

After leaving the café, I sighed deeply before heading to the supermarket. The encounter with Josephine had doused any excitement I felt at preparing dinner for Michael. I splurged on ingredients in the supermarket, yet my mood only worsened with time.

Michael came home that night looking fatigued. Our wedding was less than a week away and he had been busy handling the final details of the big day. His dedication to planning our wedding touched me.


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