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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297 You Are Eating My Steak

While I had no romantic feelings toward him, he was an exceedingly important friend to me. Hence, I had never thought of giving up our friendship from the very beginning.

With my affirmative answer, Ronan’s expression eased considerably. The corners of his mouth tilted upward, forming a faint arc. He was a striking man in the first place, and he was even more dashing when he smiled. Truly, I loved to see him smile.

However, his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Although we were currently chatting and laughing, the feeling had changed entirely. We were now treading on eggshells when we interacted with each other.

Just when I was at a loss for words, the elevator doors finally opened. I stepped out first. Only when I was with Ronan in public did my awkwardness dissipate.

“Let’s go. I’ll take you for a checkup.”

He grabbed my hand again and headed toward the ultrasound room.

“I haven’t registered or paid yet.”

As he pulled me along, I abruptly realized that he had dragged me upstairs before I could register just now.

“With me here, you don’t need to register or pay.”

Ronan didn’t even look at me despite hearing my words

When the nurse in the room saw him dragging me over, she was stunned for a moment before a faint smile bloomed on her face.

“Have her go first.”

Without even sparing her a single glance, Ronan pushed me right in front of her.

“Sure, I’ll make the arrangements right away.”

The nurse immediately took me into the ultrasound room.

I was a tad averse inwardly. After all, plenty of pregnant women were waiting outside, and here I was cutting queue thanks to Ronan. Besides, I could clearly see the dissatisfied looks thrown my way by several pregnant ladies.

It was already too late since they had already led me into the ultrasound room.

My checkup was smooth sailing. I didn’t have to queue for any tests, and that was indeed a plus point in my book.

I completed all the tests within an hour or so. The baby was still in perfect health, which granted me much peace. Being my first pregnancy, I had been worrying about many things and would only rest easy upon hearing that the baby was fine after each prenatal checkup.

When I was done, Ronan and I went to the bank of elevators once again. I originally wanted to leave right away, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to say it outright.

“You must be tired after bustling around. Let’s have lunch together.” The elevator doors opened, and I was just about to step in when Ronan spoke at that precise moment.

“No, it’s okay. You’re probably very busy. I’ll just go home and eat,” I reflexively declined.

It was still acceptable when he helped me out with my checkup earlier, but I still felt a tad awkward to have lunch with him alone.

At my demurral, the corners of Ronan’s mouth curved into a bitter smile.

In the end, he remarked once more, “Are we really going to be strangers henceforth after this?”

His voice was a soft murmur, but it inexplicably tugged at my heartstrings. Actually, I don’t want to see our friendship come to this too.

As I looked at the wry expression on his face, a sliver of distress crept into me.


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