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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 298

Chapter 298 Slapping Emma

I was actually resentful that Ronan said nothing about me eating his steak. Upon seeing his smile, I felt that my embarrassment didn’t matter. Well, I’d just consider my humiliation as making it up to him.

Then, I stared at the cut steak he handed me just now. Putting my mortification aside, I started wolfing it down.

Without realizing it, the atmosphere between us eased considerably.

At some point, I noticed Ronan frowning slightly at something behind me.

Following his gaze, I likewise glanced behind me in puzzlement. The moment I glimpsed Emma’s countenance, my appetite swiftly vanished.

My brows scrunched together, and I planned to ignore her since there was nothing more to contend between us. Michael has already decided to be with me. She won’t be able to affect me, no matter what she says.

“What a coincidence to bump into you here, Anna! And you’re even having lunch with Ronan!” Emma smirked.

I could see the sheer hatred in her eyes, but she was currently suppressing it and feigning a calm expression.

“I don’t think it’s any of your business who I have lunch with.”

I eyed her frostily, not in the mood to entertain her. Hearing her scornful tone, I knew she must be plotting something or other. Nonetheless, I didn’t want to go head to head with her since Ronan was here.

“Ronan, I heard you courted Anna in the past, yes? At that time, your relationship with her seemed to be extremely intimate. Is that true?”

Surprisingly, Emma wasn’t offended by my indifference. Instead, she turned to Ronan and spoke to him in a mild voice.

The man was a shrewd person, so he could tell at a single glance she was deliberately picking on me. All at once, his expression went stony.

“Who are you to meddle with my relationship? Who are you to me? My cousin-in-law? Oh yes, I forgot my cousin has already called off his wedding to you! You’re nobody to me now.”

“How dare you, Ronan Moore?”

Ronan was also one who could kill someone effortlessly. He didn’t use any profanity or blow his temper, yet a nonchalant remark was all it took to aggravate Emma.

She shot daggers at him, obviously infuriated at being ridiculed.

“Please leave if there’s nothing else, Emma. Don’t hamper our appetites here!”

Ronan didn’t give a sh*t whether she was pissed off. Emma was livid, but Ronan feigned ignorance and he chased her out of the restaurant.

Emma was a proud woman. At the sight of the man’s contempt for her, the reins of the wrath within her instantly snapped.

“You’re really something else, Anna. You’ve finally stolen Michael away from me, and now you’re seducing Ronan. Can’t you live without a man?”

Although Emma was fuming because of Ronan, she directed her anger at me instead. After all, he was still Michael’s cousin, and his power in the family wasn’t to be underestimated. She probably didn’t dare offend him, so she could only vent all her rage on me.

Her remark was simply a declaration that I was cheating on Michael and insinuating that I was a sl*t. I had no problems inferring that implicit meaning when it was so conspicuous. I initially didn’t want to bicker with her, but she was always so relentless that I was truly enraged this time.


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