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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 315

Chapter 315 The Arrival Of Michael

I shoved at them hard in a bid to flee. However, a woman couldn’t possibly escape when confronted by a few men. No sooner had I pushed them away than I was caught again.

“Well, well… You still want to make a run for it, huh? Do you think you’ll succeed?”

One of the men clutched my shoulder, and his repulsive face gradually drew close to me.

“Get away from me, you b*stards!”

Restrained by the men, I started cursing them out in my panic. Ugh! I’m so disgusted by these depraved men that I feel like vomiting with just a touch from them, let alone allowing them to do such a thing to me!

“I simply enjoy the spirited type like you! I really can’t wait to see you beg for mercy beneath us. Rest assured that I’ll grant you much pleasure!”

Despite my struggles, the few men weren’t at all enraged. Instead, their interest in me grew by leaps and bounds.

Their crude language had my face flushing bright red with anger. Nonetheless, all of my resistance then were in vain, for my puny strength couldn’t hurt them in the slightest.

Where are you, Michael? Come quickly to save me!

The few men then pushed me back onto the old and shabby table. Having done so, they all reached out and ripped at my wedding gown.


That wedding gown was the wedding gown I would be wearing for my wedding with Michael. As they tore at it, the agonizing pain that assailed me felt as though they were ripping my heart out.

I struggled mightily, but two of the men restrained my hands. In the meantime, another man ripped my wedding gown layer by layer.

I could no longer hold my tears at bay. Never had I been so aggrieved, afraid, and terrified as I was at that moment.

How I wish Michael would appear before me right this second! I really need him to protect me!

My wedding gown was all torn to ribbons, exposing my long and slender legs to the few men. Worse still, my upper body was almost bared with just the vital parts barely covered.

Mortification, fury, and fear deluged me all at once. Tears welled in my eyes as well. Argh! If only I could kill them all right now!

Truthfully, I had never hated someone as much as I did then. At that instance, the urge to slaughter everyone there seized me. If they really defile me, I’ll never let them off regardless of the cost!

When Anna saw that I was just a hair’s breadth away from being sullied, the corners of her mouth lifted into a sneer. I could distinctly see the triumph in her eyes. Good heavens! Her ruthlessness exceeds my imagination by far! How could there be such a vicious woman?

“She’s got a sensual figure, and her skin is also silky smooth. It’ll certainly be immensely gratifying when we do her later! I’m bursting at the seams to have a go at her right now!”

The gaze of one of the men, who seemed to be the leader, wandered back and forth on my exposed skin. My heart sank upon noticing the thrill in their eyes as they gobbled me up with their stares.

Resigning myself to my fate, I screwed my eyes shut. Before those few men, I hadn’t even the ability to break free and could only bear with it helplessly as they helped themselves to me.

Just when I plunged into absolute despair, a loud bang pierced the air. It sounded like the crashing of a door. Elation instantly flooded me. Could it be that someone has come to save me?

Everyone present swung their gazes at the door in unison, only to be greeted by a tall figure. When I glimpsed the familiar face, I could no longer curb the grievance and terror within me. Tears streamed down my face like a broken dam.


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