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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Michael Injured

“I’ll make certain that every single person who hurt you pays the price!”

Michael’s hands balled into fists with popping sounds, sounding rather bloodcurdling.

When he shifted his gaze back to the men in front of him, the chilliness in his eyes turned increasingly pronounced, and I could even sense that he wanted to kill them.

I had always harbored an inexplicable sense of faith in him. While he was facing so many people, I still couldn’t help trusting him after hearing his remark earlier. I believed in his capability and had every confidence that there was nothing he couldn’t resolve in this world.

“How impudent of you! You only got me because I was careless earlier! Now, I’m going to teach you a lesson!” snarled the man whom Michael defeated earlier.

He stared into Michael’s eyes with resentment written all over his face, the fury within his eyes bursting into life once again.

“Well, that depends on whether you’ve got the ability to do so. Since you dared to make a move against my woman, you must pay a steep price!”

With a tense face, Michael pinned his dark and ominous gaze on the few men before him while exuding a suffocating aura.

The man probably didn’t expect him to have the guts to talk back when he was outnumbered, for he immediately went ballistic and barked at the men behind him, “Why the hell are the lot of you still standing there, twiddling your thumbs? Get him! I want him to be pummeled to within an inch of his life!”

As soon as his words rang out, the men behind him charged forward. They surrounded Michael and started raining punches upon him.

My heart clenched tightly. Can he really fight so many people at once?

A short distance away, Emma was likewise stricken as she hid in the corner when she saw the men hitting Michael. I knew that she had feelings for him and naturally didn’t want to see him hurt. But if she were to order them at such a time, his attention would undoubtedly shift to her. And once he realized that it was her doing, he would never let her off the hook.

I initially thought that Michael would be hurt, but there wasn’t a hint of panic on his face despite a few men attacking him at the same time. He deftly dodged their attacks and struck them mercilessly. In doing so, he put a lot of strength into it and hit them at the weakest parts of the human body. Soon, the five or six men were all groaning on the ground, seemingly in excruciating agony.

I had never seen him fight and had always thought that he was a mature man who would never do so. That day, however, gave me a new understanding of him. His look when he brawled had a feral allure compared to his usual aloofness.

Even though I had just experienced such a horrific incident of having almost been violated, I was entirely at ease right then. Michael is so powerful that the men here aren’t his match at all. We’ll definitely be able to leave safely!

There were still two men standing. One of them was the man who was first beaten by Michael. When he saw Michael defeating the few of them without sustaining any injuries, fear crept onto his face.

“I didn’t expect you to have such good fighting skills that you could beat a few of us alone. Anyhow, you shouldn’t be poking your nose into this when there’s no beef between us. If you leave now, I’ll just pretend that nothing ever happened. But if you want to continue making trouble here, we’re no easy prey either!”


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