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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317 An Inflamed Michael

Sheer guilt and regret weighed me down as I took the blame upon myself. It’s all because of me that Michael is injured!

“Hah! You can’t even protect yourself right now, yet you’re still concerned about that woman?”

A sneer manifested on the face of the leader when he saw that Michael was still worried about me at such a time. And now that Michael was injured, he wasn’t afraid of him anymore.

“Do you think that you can really defeat me with just the lot of you? You’ve completely pissed me off!”

Michael’s jet-black eyes were turbulent, and the coldness in them rendered him just like Grim Reaper in the dead of night. With just a single look at him, one’s blood would inevitably run cold.

Upon hearing his brazen remark, the men’s expression changed. But still, they didn’t respond further to that.

Michael maintained his silence as well. He bent slightly and picked up a knife from the ground. Then, he stood there quietly while exuding a wintry aura all over.00:00/00:00

“Why have you all stopped? Go and get him!” the leader roared at the men behind him when he saw that his men were all stunned.

At that moment, I glimpsed a flash of panic on his face.

They had been fighting for a long time earlier, but he only managed to graze Michael by sneaking up on him. Hence, he started worrying that he wouldn’t be able to wound him anymore now that Michael had a knife in hand.

Michael’s gaze was exceedingly chilly. Striding right up to them while avoiding their knives, he stabbed the knife into their arms instead.

His incensed expression was both ferocious and bloodthirsty. Right then, he stabbed them without an ounce of mercy. Despite that, he still acted with his sanity intact and ensured that it wouldn’t be fatal.

In no time, several men were all inflicted with stab wounds from Michael’s knife while Michael’s hand was also covered in blood. The men lay on the ground, groaning incessantly.

Michael then shifted his gaze to the leader, who was the only one still standing.

Thereafter, he drew closer to him step by step. By then, the man had realized that Michael was not one to be trifled with and kept backing away while trembling violently.

Meanwhile, I was presently rooted to the spot. Michael’s brutal and unflinching action earlier shocked me greatly and even struck a modicum of fear within me. As far as I knew, he was at most apathetic and callous. For that reason, I began feeling as though I didn’t understand him all that well after seeing him stabbing someone else without any hesitation.

“S-Stay away from me!”

The leader was scared out of his wits, and he was even stuttering as he spoke.

Nevertheless, Michael ignored him entirely and continued prowling toward the man. The knife in his hand was still dripping blood and appeared particularly gruesome.

At that instance, the leader had already reached my side. A cold gleam flickered in his eyes. In the next second, he swiftly raced over to me and placed his knife against my neck.

“Stay away! If you continue walking over, I’ll kill this woman!” he threatened coldly with his eyes trained on Michael’s tall figure.

However, there was a trace of trepidation in his voice.

While I was still spacing out earlier, terror instantly inundated me when I sensed the cold blade of the knife at my neck. I never thought that he would dare hold me hostage.

When Michael saw that, his gaze stilled. Right on the heels of that, the rage in his eyes became a blazing inferno.


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