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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Family

I was very sure that I would not be together with Ronan. Hence, I did not want to hurt him with my problems.

Michael stared into Ronan’s eyes calmly. His expression was blank, so I had no idea what he was thinking.

“Your wound is still bleeding. We should get it treated first, or it might get infected.”

With Ronan there and Michael being that straightforward, I was worried that Michael might say something more hurtful to Ronan later.

It might just be me being paranoid, but I felt that Michael had said that on purpose. He knew that Ronan liked me, so he must be deliberately doing something mean.

Ronan was Michael’s cousin. They were also close to each other. However, Michael was a petty an. There was no way that he would not be bothered by the relationship between Ronan and me.

Michael did not budge, so I tugged his hand lightly. Before walking into the doctor’s office, he turned around and stared at Ronan for a second.

I followed Michael into the office silently. Ronan continued to stand right where he was until I closed the door. He looked rather lonely right at that moment.

Feeling sorry for him, I let out a sigh upon seeing that. I hoped that he could forget me quickly so that he would not suffer anymore.

As soon as the doctor removed the bandage on Michael’s arm, I noticed that a huge portion of his arm was covered in blood. The sight of it was a little nauseating.

“Mr. Shaw, your wound has opened up due to overexertion. Please take care of yourself better. Try not to overwork yourself. Otherwise, things will be bad if it gets infected.” The middle-aged doctor glanced at Michael before speaking.

Although Michael was the patient there, the doctor talked to him with a lot of respect. Perhaps that was due to the assertive aura around Michael.

“Okay,” Michael replied nonchalantly.

Then, the doctor started to disinfect Michael’s wound. All of his movements were very skilled. I guessed that he was an experienced doctor.

I could not bear looking at Michael’s wound, so I instantly steered my vision away.

After the doctor finished bandaging the wound, I asked him about the important matters before leaving the hospital.

It was already nighttime when we arrived at Michael’s mansion, and we had not eaten anything during the day. Fortunately, the housekeeper was done preparing dinner for us. I gobbled up the dishes before heading to the bedroom.

Too many things had happened that day. I was so tired that I fell asleep the moment I lay down on the bed. The next day, I woke up upon hearing my parents’ voice from downstairs.


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