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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 328

Chapter 328 An Unreasonable Request

My mother’s countenance changed slightly right after listening to my answer. I wondered what she was pondering in her heart at the moment.

“What’s wrong, Mom?” I questioned her in puzzlement while looking at her with furrowed brows.

“I have something yet to discuss with you, Anna,” my mother answered me after remaining silent for quite some time.

While uttering those words, she was also staring at me with a troubled look. That was the expression she would always make when talking about money. Therefore, I could not help but speculate if she was about to ask for money again. Michael gave my family two hundred thousand only a few days ago. There’s no way they could spend it all so quickly. Right?

“What is it?” Despite recognizing that my mother would probably make yet another unreasonable request, I still decided to question her calmly.

“As you can see, Steven’s leg has almost recovered. Since you’ve said that you want him to be independent, could you ask Michael to arrange a less-strenuous job for him, Anna?” Even though she was talking to me, my mother’s gaze was toward Michael. It was apparent that she was waiting for him to give a response.

I felt a little reluctant to accept my mother’s request as I did not want to rely on Michael on everything.

However, I could not say anything since my mother had already made her request known. The only thing I wished for was for Michael to express his stance.

Upon hearing my mother’s request, Michael continued having his meal elegantly as if he was ignoring her. Consequently, I frowned in displeasure because of his attitude but refrained from saying a thing since my parents were present.

My mother and I were looking at Michael at the moment while I suppressed the dissatisfaction in my heart. Fortunately, Michael did not disregard us for too long as he placed the cutlery on the table and responded, “I think Steven is probably not suitable to work in operational settings. Fret not, though. He can still work in the security team.”

When I heard Michael’s proposal, I was a little unhappy because security was a job that would not bring any development in one’s career. Nevertheless, I acknowledged that Michael was a person who would never allow personal relationships to get in the way of work-related issues. Moreover, I was pretty familiar with Steven’s actual capability. Michael’s willingness to grant him a job was only because of my sake. Otherwise, he would have no permission to even step into Joyful Success in all likelihood.

“Security team? Is he going to be the head of security?” My mother stared at Michael with a thrilled expression, seeing that he had arranged a job for Steven.

Once again, I knitted my brows when I heard my mother’s words. It was already a profound act of goodwill for Michael to grant Steven a job, but she still wanted him to be the head of security.

Concerning what kind of person Steven was, I believed Michael knew enough about him to determine the position that suited him the most. It was beyond the bounds of possibility for him to take the role of the head of security. Besides, the wage for a security guard working at Joyful Success was already a lot higher than other places.

“It’s not too appropriate for a newcomer like Steven to be the head of security straight away. Others may think that he has used connections. Anyhow, I will observe his performance at work. If he performs well, he will get promoted.” Instead of being upset with my mother’s words, Michael gave her a tranquil reply.

Due to the ambiguity of Michael’s answer, my mother was at a momentary loss for words. She thought he had already made clear that he would promote Steven if he performed well at the company.


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