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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 329

Chapter 329 Noises From The Bedroom

Steven had always been a kid in Mom’s eyes. She was insecure about leaving him alone here even though she was the one who let him stay here to work.

“Mom, how old do you think Steven is? How can he not be able to do such simple things himself? There is a washing machine and a fridge there. It’s not that hard,” I complained once again and looked at Mom in frustration. I didn’t know what else to say at this moment.

“You’ve married a rich man and can enjoy all the luxury alone. Can’t you just let your brother stay at your place for a little while? You’re his sister, yet you live such a good life with a great house in the city, and your brother is here struggling. What do you think people will think about you if this gets out?” Mom started to vaguely threaten me after I had rejected her request multiple times.

Feeling frustrated, I scowled. Her request was unreasonable from the very beginning. I would have never refused her if the place was mine, but the mansion belonged to Michael. Steven had no right to live here, and even if he wanted to, Michael had to agree to it first. I had no right to decide.

“Mom, please get this clear; this mansion is Michael’s, not mine. I can’t make the decision willy-nilly. What would I do if I agreed to let Steven live here and Michael got angry?” I still tried to control my tone even when my expression showed my anger. I wanted to have a nice conversation with her and not quarrel.

“You and Michael are married now, and what’s his is also yours. Plus, the Shaw family is rich, so it shouldn’t be a problem to give Steven a house or two.”

Mom still didn’t care at all, even when I had already explained the reason to her. She didn’t take my words seriously and always had Steven as her top priority.

“Mom, I can’t promise you anything, but you can rest assured that I will help him do his laundry and chores for him if he’s working properly. However, as I said earlier, it’s impossible for him to live here with me.” I knew it would be useless to reason with her, so I simply refused her request. I would still do the same even if she got angry.

“To put it simply, you just don’t want your brother to have a better life. You’re really selfish! How is it any different from not having a daughter when you treat us like this after getting a husband from a rich family? We truly brought you up for nothing!” Mom looked at me angrily after getting up from the couch.

I had already expected her to say such a thing since it was nothing new, so my expression didn’t cange much. I had long been used to this anyway.

“Mom, I won’t give in and let Steven live with me no matter what you’re going to say about me, so you’d better give up. I don’t want to quarrel with you, but I also hope that you’d try to think about my situation and not make things difficult for me,” I stated in a serious tone while looking at her indifferently.

There was no room for discussion anyway, and her request was just too much. I was sure that Michael wouldn’t agree. Even I felt that it was too much, let alone Michael.

Mom didn’t say anything after that and left angrily because of my firm attitude.

I knew she would ignore me for a while after this, but I was also used to her attitude. Thus, I didn’t care.

It was currently two days later, and I turned on the TV out of boredom. I saw the news reporting on the financial crisis of Emma’s company as soon as I turned the TV on.

The cooperation between Michael and Anna before showed that her company had strong financial resources. So how could it be in a financial crisis in this short amount of time?


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