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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 334

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 334

“Of course! You can stare at it as long as you want once we get home.” Michael’s grin grew wider as he razzed me.

Gazing into his eyes, I instantly knew that he was teasing me. It was embarrassing, but the moment I recalled the fact that we had gotten ourselves the marriage certificate, I found myself not minding the teasing at all.

“Enough. Let’s go in.”

When he saw me rolling my eyes, he decided to shut his mouth and said no more. Yet, the sly grin on his face never left.

As soon as we entered the living room, we were greeted by the sight of Josephine sitting on the couch with a grim expression

For some reason, the moment her eyes fell on the certificate in my hands, I panicked, knowing that she wouldn’t be fond of finding out what we did a few moments ago. After all, for her, I was with Michael for his fortune all this time.

Josephine then shifted her gaze to my face and asked coldly, “What are you holding?”

My heart raced at her question. Out of reflex, I hid the marriage certificate behind my back, not wanting her to see it. Unfortunately, my attempt was to no avail, and instead, it had successfully angered her.

“What is it? Take it out, now!”

Her eyes were boiling with rage at that moment.


I was hesitant to obey her instruction, knowing that she would be more dissatisfied with me if she knew about the truth.

Noticing that I was taking a long time hesitating, her temper rose. She rose to her feet abruptly and snapped, “Don’t you have any respect for your elders? Didn’t you hear me? Show me now!”

Hearing that, Michael frowned and decided to interrupt with a tinge of fury in his tone, “Mom, enough! Anna’s pregnant. Why are you yelling at her?”

Josephine was taken aback, never expecting Michael to stand up for me at such a moment. When she regained her senses, she glared at him.

“Michael, is this how you should speak to me? All because of this woman, you are now arguing with me almost every day. Do you still see me as your mother? Could it be that she is more important than me in your heart?”

Whenever Michael took my side, Josephine would grow angrier, and in the end, despise me further. I had discussed this topic with Michael multiple times before, yet he would always brush it off and ignore me, even telling me that no one could bully me in front of him.

“Mom, if you want me to be nice to you, you should rectify your way of treating Anna first. She’s my woman, not a servant in our house.”

Michael remained unfazed and kept looking at Josephine coldly. Being as assertive as Michael, no one could threaten him.


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