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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 335

Love from My Dominant Boss Chapter 335

Furrowing my eyebrows, I felt aggrieved after being misunderstood by Josephine. However, I was more inclined to set things right with her than get mad. After all, even though Michael never complained and always stood by my side, Josephine was still his mother. Therefore, it would pain him to denounce his mother continuously.

I did not want Michael to be sandwiched in the middle between Josephine and me due to our issue.

“Do you think I will accept you by doing this? Let me tell you that no matter what you do or say, I will never acknowledge you as my daughter-in-law. Besides, Michael is my son. I don’t believe that he would go against me forever!” While saying that, Josephine looked toward his son, trying to see if there were any signs of wavering.

However, Michael’s face remained indifferent and showed no intention of stopping me. Thus, Josephine was even angrier after seeing how he supported me.

“All right, then! It looks like the both of you don’t respect me since you’re ganging up on me like this—especially you, Michael. I’m so disappointed in you. How could you treat me this way for a mere woman?” Josephine spat out furiously while pointing at Michael. Then, she stormed out of the house.

It seems like things will always go wrong whenever I meet with Mrs. Shaw. Upon thinking that, I felt frustrated. Although I tried my best to be the ideal daughter-in-law Josephine wanted, my family background was not something I could control. As I was born and raised in a village, there was no way I could provide any substantial benefit to the Shaw family.

Standing in the same spot, I hung my head in exasperation. At that moment, Michael came up to me and put his hand around my shoulders. “All right. Stop overthinking things. You don’t need to be bothered by my mom. It’s not like you’ll meet with her every day.” He spoke in a gentle tone.

I knew that Michael was trying to comfort me. Thus, I looked up and flashed him a weak smile. However, I could not seem to get rid of the disappointment in my heart.

It was meant to be a joyous day to receive our marriage certificate, but it had all gone down the drain.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. I believe that Mom will accept me one day, for I will try to live up to the expectation of the daughter-in-law she wants.”

In all honesty, I could ignore the way Josephine treated me just fine. I was married to Michael and not to his mother anyway. However, it pained me to see him frustrated over that.

Even though he did not show it, I could tell that he secretly minded over that issue. After all, no man in this world hoped to see their mom and wife on bad terms.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Michael caressed my face and curled his lips into a thin smile, his eyes filled with gentleness.

As I knew how Michael doted on me, I could not stand by and watch him being in a bind. Thus, I hoped to get along with Josephine. A good relationship between mother and daughter-in-law was important, after all.

After sending me back to my room and comforting me for a while, Michael went back to the company to attend to some work. Meanwhile, I was lying in bed while thinking of various ways of making Josephine satisfied with me.


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