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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 362

Chapter 362 That Is His Cousin

Sitting on the couch, I kept my head low because I knew that I looked hideous now with my reddened eyes.

After Natalie put the grocery that she bought in the kitchen, she walked toward me and asked with concern, “Did you ask Michael what happened this afternoon? What is going on?”

“I didn’t dare to ask him. I was so afraid that I couldn’t accept the answer.”

I had to admit that I was a coward, and I loved Michael so deeply that I was afraid to lose him. I was even more afraid that our relationship might come to an end because of another woman.

“Why are you so stupid? You have to talk through it. What if you actually misunderstood Michael? Trust me. You can’t delay this matter any further. You have to get this clear as soon as possible. I believe Michael is not the type of man who messes around with other women.”

Natalie became anxious knowing that I had not asked Michael about the issue yet. I knew that she was holding hope, just like me. Yet, I was afraid that my hope would be shattered.

I lowered my head and said nothing.

Natalie knew that I did not want to talk about the topic, so she did not press on the matter. Putting her arm around my shoulders, then she continued to sit on the couch with me in a daze.

Throughout the rest of the week, Michael did not come to see me. He had disappeared so completely that it seemed like the both of us had never met.

After staying at Natalie’s house for a week, I felt extremely bored. Hence, I decided to head out alone for a stroll. Although I still had bad emotions, my mood had greatly improved over the days. Clearly, time was the cure to everything.

When I was crossing a road, a honk sounded behind me. It was a silver car, and I remembered that Ronan driving that car before. Halting my steps, I was planning to greet him.

“Anna, what a coincidence. Why are you here?”

Ronan stuck his head out to look at me with a bright smile on his face.

It had been over a month since I last saw him. Ronan looked much happier, unlike the last time when I saw him. I felt relieved to see him happier now.

Then, I smiled at him and answered, “I came out for a walk.”

Just when Ronan was about to say something, the window of the passenger’s seat was rolled down. I saw a young girl sitting inside the car, and she looked extremely beautiful with her watery and spiritual eyes.

Looking at the girl, I was slightly stunned. She looked extremely familiar.


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