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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 363

Chapter 363 Interesting Siblings

Looking through the rearview mirror, I saw a faint smile on Ronan’s face. He was clearly in a good mood, probably because his sister had returned from overseas.

Then, he started driving. I used to feel awkward when I was alone with Ronan. However, with the talkative Gabriella in the car, I did not feel that way.

“Anna, can you tell me how you actually make Michael fall for you? Michael is as cold as an iceberg! He keeps all the other women away from him.”

Gabriella was staring at me with a nosy look as she asked about Michael and me.

Looking at the expectant look on her face, I could not help but laugh bitterly. They would probably laugh at me when they heard my story of meeting Michael.

Moreover, I could not tell them the truth. It was impossible to tell Gabriella that I slept with Michael because I was taking revenge on my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me.

The other reason I slept with Michael was for my father’s two hundred thousand medical fees.

Obviously, I could not tell them any of these.

Feeling embarrassed, I lowered my head as I did not know what to say.

Through the rearview mirror, Ronan glanced at me and chided, “Gabby, you’re being such a busybody. Did you go abroad so many years to learn nothing but being gossipy?”

Ronan sounded like he was reprimanding Gabrielle. He knew well that I could not talk about my story of meeting Michael.

“Ronan, can’t I just chat with Anna? I’m just interested in her. I thought Michael was going to spend the rest of his life alone since he’s such an aloof man. I didn’t expect him to get married so soon, and they even have a child now.”

Since Ronan blamed her, Gabriella pouted with dissatisfaction.

Caressing my stomach carefully, Gabriella looked extremely amazed. In fact, she also looked like a child herself.

Although Ronan had a similar personality to her, I believed that he would feel annoyed at times while dealing with his sister.

“Anna, is it a boy or a girl?” Gabriella finally asked after she stared at my stomach for quite some time.

Hearing the question, I suddenly recalled that Michael allowed his mother to discern the gender of my baby. I was infuriated by that thought.

Touching my stomach, I did not answer her.

Right at that moment, Ronan said calmly, “I’ve fired the doctor who exposed your information. He has violated the law.”

The smile on his face had disappeared, and he looked stern now.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I did not expect him to know about it, but I suddenly remembered that he owned the hospital, so it made sense that he had found out about it.

“Actually, it’s not just the doctor’s fault.”

I did not make myself clear, but Ronan probably understood me. Deep down, I was not blaming the doctor. I was just disappointed in Michael’s decision.

Glancing at me through the rearview mirror, Ronan remained silent for a moment before he replied, “I know. You’re not happy with that. However, since the issue has passed, you shouldn’t dwell on it. It’s not good for the baby.”


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