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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 Attending A Gala

“Just be yourself and ignore everyone else. You don’t have to change to please anyone else. You’ll only have to focus on being my wife.”

An affectionate smile played around his lips as he spoke. The next second, he reached out to take my hand. His tone was both gentle but firm.

I met his raven black eyes and bobbed my head slightly.

I would only have to focus on being Michael’s wife. Nothing else mattered as long as we were both blissful together.

“There is a charity gala a few days later. Let’s attend it together. You hadn’t shown yourself in public after our marriage,” Michael suggested as he started the engine and drove away.

“Charity gala? I don’t think that’s appropriate. I’ve never attended anything like that…”

After learning that Michael wanted to take me to a gala, I couldn’t stop panic from flaring in my heart. Only those from the upper echelons of society would get to attend galas, and I had never got the chance to attend one. A bolt of panic hit me, and I instinctively rejected his invitation.

“You’re my wife, Michael Shaw’s wife. Why is it inappropriate? My wife has the right to attend any gala she wants.”

Sensing my fear, Michael turned to meet my gaze solemnly. His commanding voice was overwhelming.

He was right. After marrying Michael, my status increased greatly. However, that was what the outside world thought.

I might be married to Michael, but some things would never change. I knew nothing about the upper-class society’s events. In fact, I wasn’t even interested.

“I’m afraid of embarrassing you,” I admitted.

Those events were meant for wealthy ladies to flaunt their wealth and connections, so I would pale in comparison. Michael was a prominent figure, and I might embarrass him with my bad social skills.


Michael gave me a reassuring smile.

I knew he had made up his mind. Although my discomfort remained, I couldn’t say no after Michael said that.

“I’ll get back and prepare myself for the event.”

I cast him an anxious look and agreed to his request.

“There’s no need to prepare anything. My secretary will deliver the gown back home. You’ll only have to change into it. Remember, don’t put on makeup,” Michael stated calmly as the corners of his mouth turned up.

“No makeup? Do you want me to show myself without any makeup?”

At that, I gaped at him incredulously as I wondered whether I had misheard him. It’s normal if he told me to dress up, but did he actually ask me to not put on any makeup?

“Makeup isn’t good for your skin and our baby,” came his answer.

I was touched by his concern but had the niggling feeling that something was not right.

If I were to attend the charity gala, barefaced, I would obviously become the center of attraction.


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