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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 369

Chapter 369 A Gift

“Mr. Shaw, long time no see! You’ve gotten more good-looking after getting married!”

Right then, a man decked in a crisp suit came to Michael and greeted him warmly. He was evidently trying to suck up to Michael.

“Not at all, Mr. Lobston.”

Michael’s reply to Chris Lobston was placid as he raised his glass to clink glasses with the latter.

After Chris talked to Michael, some guests started to form a circle around us. I wasn’t used to being surrounded by a crowd.

“Mr. Shaw, this must be Mrs. Shaw. I didn’t get to see her face clearly during the wedding as my seat was too far away. She’s such a beauty!”

As Michael’s gaze constantly flitted to me, the crafty guests realized I was important to him and began lavishing praises on me.

I pursed my lips at the comment. I didn’t put on any makeup today, not even any lipstick. Look at how he managed to come up with that awestruck expression. I have to admit that they are good at lying through their teeth to butter someone up.

I wasn’t bothered, but Michael thought otherwise. His lips curved up upon hearing the praise as though he was delighted to hear it.

Realizing that Michael liked hearing others praising me, those who wanted to butter Michael up immediately started complimenting me. I got goosebumps from getting praised by so many people.

Women loved it when others praised their gorgeous appearances, and I was no exception, but these people’s praises had gone overboard. Hypocrites! I rolled my eyes inwardly.

Yet, the grin on Michael’s lips remained. He turned to regard me, the adoration in his gaze evident.

He seemed relaxed as though they weren’t lying through their teeth.

“I’m tired. I’ll wait for you over there.”

Refusing to stay to listen to the fake compliments, I got to my feet and strode toward an empty seat not far away.

It was clear by now that someone as straightforward as me shouldn’t attend similar events. The previous compliments got me shuddering in disgust. Indeed, business people had to be shameless in order to strike business deals.

I plopped onto a couch in a corner and sipped on a glass of juice. My gaze never left Michael’s figure.

I knew no one here, and there was nothing in common between me and the socialites, so I had no choice but to sit here and hope that the gala would end soon.

Bored out of my wits, I sipped on my juice. Soon, a pretty lady in her thirties approached me and took a seat beside me.

I didn’t know who she was, but I flashed a polite smile anyhow. She could be the wife of Michael’s business partner.

“You must be Mrs. Shaw,” the lady greeted me with a smile.

“Yes, I am. May I know who you are?”

I didn’t know she would greet me out of the blue and blinked in surprise.

“My husband is Chris Lobston. He’s the owner of a small real estate company. I am Fiona. You can call me Mrs. Lobston.”

Hearing my reply, the lady’s smile widened.


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