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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Siblings Argument

Not far away, some people were coming toward us. Clearly, they wanted to talk to Michael. Knowing how I hated socializing, Michael got to his feet and whispered in my ear, “Wait for me. I’ll deal with them and get back soon.” He then strode away without waiting for a reply.

Gabriella gaped in disbelief as she stared at his departing figure. She tutted and commented in a teasing manner, “Anna, what did you do to Michael? I can’t believe he’s this affectionate. He used to be an aloof man!”

Knowing it was a joke, I grinned and said nothing else as quiet contentment spread through my entire being.

Michael would only direct his indifference to those who he despised. I was his wife, so he wouldn’t give me the cold treatment.

Ronan remained expressionless after hearing Gabriella’s words. He glanced at me but stayed silent.

Right then, a young lady made her way to Ronan. She was dressed in a fashionable and expensive outfit. It was obvious she was a socialite born into a wealthy family.

“Mr. Moore,” she greeted Ronan shyly as her cheeks turned rosy.

Gabriella and I shared a knowing look.

I can’t believe Ronan’s charming enough to attract a young lady to strike up a conversation with him!

“Who are you?” Ronan asked with a frown.

“My name is Alexis Lobston. You probably don’t know me before this. My family is involved in the real estate business,” Alexis explained.

As her smile was bashful, it was obvious that she had romantic feelings for Ronan.

“Hello,” Ronan responded with a grin.

Alexis hung her head low and mumbled shyly, “Can we be friends?”

I could tell Alexis had set her eyes on Ronan. My lips curled into a smirk as I thought, Wow, Ronan’s charm has attracted a beautiful lady to flirt with him at this event.

“Of course, here is my name card.”

Realizing the young lady’s intention, Ronan maintained his smile and fished out his name card before handing it to her.

Alexis accepted the card and almost jumped for joy. She wasn’t expecting to get his contact that easily.

After glancing at the name card, she lifted her head and cast Ronan a hesitant look. Her cheeks were flushed in embarrassment.

Standing beside them, I couldn’t help but look forward to what would happen next. Deep down, I wanted Ronan to get a girlfriend soon.

“Is there anything else you need?” Ronan gazed at the young lady and urged.

After a long pause, Alexis mustered her courage to ask, “I have a question for you. Do you have a girlfriend?”

Gabriella and I exchanged glances yet again. Finally, she’s getting to the point.

“No,” Ronan responded in a calm manner.

He was still smiling, but it didn’t reach his eyes. I could tell that was a perfunctory answer.

Alexis could hardly contain her happiness as she queried, “C-Can I treat you to a meal sometime?”


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