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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Refusing To Accept The Gift

“My husband had talked to Mr. Shaw previously, but he didn’t seem to have the plan to collaborate with us. I have no choice but to ask for your help, Mrs. Shaw. It’s obvious that Mr. Shaw adores you. If you help us out, we might get a chance,” she pleaded.

She was gazing at me earnestly, but I rolled my eyes inwardly after hearing what she had to say.

I knew nothing about her, let alone her company. There was no way I could intercede for her sake.

Besides, Michael had run the company for years, and the business had flourished under his management. I knew he had high standards for his business partners. As he didn’t want to work with them, it was obvious their company didn’t meet his standards.

Since their company wasn’t on Michael’s collaboration list, so I wouldn’t be a fool to persuade him to change his mind.

I flashed a smile and rejected her request politely. “Mrs. Lobston, I’m afraid I can’t do that. I never intervened in the company’s business. Thus, it is impossible to talk to Michael about the collaboration.”

I loved money, but I wasn’t a gold digger. There was no way I would accept someone else’s gift, especially when the gift came with an ulterior motive.

Michael had bought plenty of necklaces which I kept in the mansion’s dressing room. However, I never liked such tacky stuff, so the necklace couldn’t tempt me to do as told.

As I was unfazed, Fiona grew increasingly agitated. “Mrs. Shaw, is this necklace too cheap for your taste? Never mind. You can let me know what you want. As long as we get to collaborate with Mrs. Shaw, I’ll satisfy all your demands.”

Initially, I had a good impression of her as she took the initiative to greet me. Now that I knew what she came for, my impatience grew. Is it a trend to bother other people nowadays in order to achieve one’s goal?

As Fiona seemed insistent, I decided to explain once again. “You’ve misunderstood my words. I wasn’t asking for more expensive stuff. I was just telling the truth. The company’s affairs have nothing to do with me, and I believe Michael has his own judgments,” I answered solemnly.

Hearing my explanation, she slumped down in disappointment.

“Please excuse me.”

Afraid that Fiona would continue harassing me, I bade goodbye to her calmly and headed to the restroom without looking back.

After exiting the restroom, I stood before the mirror and exhaled sharply. It was normal for small companies to seek collaboration with huge companies at such events.

I was bored out of my wits and wanted to leave right away.

Walking out of the restroom, I returned to the hall to see Michael striding toward me. He had a pleasant smile playing on his lips.

“Why do you look like you’re in a foul mood?” Michael’s voice was gentle as he pulled me into his arms.

I told him how Fiona tried to bribe me with a gift and shot him a conflicted look.

“It’s normal for them to bribe you with gifts. No matter what they offer, don’t accept it. If they happened to offer you something you like, let me know and I’ll get it for you.”

Perhaps Michael had expected I’d encounter such matter, for he didn’t seem astonished and only flashed an affectionate grin.

Clearing my throat, I asked, “This event is boring. When will it end?”

I gave Michael a helpless look as I didn’t want to remain here.

I wasn’t about to accept any gifts from the guests, but Michael had no idea how difficult it was to reject them.


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