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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Break Up

“I… That’s not what I meant. Did you misunderstand something, Anna?”

Yvette looked at me with panic in her eyes when she noticed the sudden change in my expression.

“Yvette, if you genuinely want to be with Steven, the family and I will definitely welcome you with open arms. However, I think you should forget about it if you’re doing this with ulterior motives in mind. My husband’s quite wealthy, but money doesn’t grow on trees. We’ll do whatever we can to help Steven if he’s ever in any trouble, but we’ll not comply with any absurd requests. Do you understand?”

I looked at her and spoke calmly. I wanted to make it clear that Michael and I wanted no part in the car. To me, Yvette was a materialistic woman. There was no telling what would happen if women like her did not get what they wanted.

“What are you talking about, Anna? Why are you talking to Yvette like that!”

Yvette’s face paled while Steven stared at me, upset. His voice was filled with reproach, clearly blaming me for my terrible attitude toward Yvette.

“Don’t be mad, Yvette. My sister’s like this sometimes. Rest assured that she definitely won’t turn a deaf ear to me. She’d listen to whatever my parents said back then,” Steven comforted Yvette seeing that she was not looking so good.

That said, what he said annoyed me even more.

“Steven, let’s make one thing clear, I’m not buying a car for you, and neither is Michael. If you want the car, buy it yourself. Why do you want us to buy it for you?”

Does he not know that Yvette’s dating him just because he has a wealthy brother-in-law and that she merely wants to live a carefree life off him? Why is he still defending her?

“Anna!” Steven stared at me angrily.

“Steven, since your sister put it that way, I don’t think there’s a need for us to go on. I want to marry you, but if you can’t promise me a good life, I have no reason to do that!”

Then, Yvette stood up and turned around before leaving.

“Don’t go, Yvette! I can explain!”

Steven chased after her, trying to keep her there, but Yvette never gave him the chance to talk and ran away.

To be frank, it was not unexpected. What Yvette wanted was money. So it was only natural for her to leave Steven if he could not give her what she wanted.

At that moment, Steven looked a bit down after Yvette left, but it did not take long before he stood in front of me once again and glared at me with his faintly red eyes.

“You’ve crossed the line this time, Anna Garcia! Why did you have to talk to Yvette like that? She’s my girlfriend and your future sister-in-law!” Steven roared at me in a condemning tone.

I was not in the best mood myself, seeing that my brother was arguing with me over a woman he had just met months ago. I’m doing this for your own good! She’s not someone you can handle! You’ll only get hurt!

“Steven Garcia, can’t you see she’s just using you? She doesn’t love you but money!”

I looked him in the eyes and held my anger at bay when I spoke.

“I don’t care. I’m marrying Yvette no matter what. She’s my girlfriend, and I love her. You’re the one that caused this rift between us, so it’s your responsibility to fix it!”

At that point, I doubted that he would listen to anything I had to say as his eyes were completely bloodshot. It looked like he was going to murder me, and I was actually afraid that I was at a loss for words.


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