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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378 A Talk With Michael

“Just do what you think is right. If you compromise now, things will become more difficult in the future. Do you think you’ll get any peace with a sister-in-law that’s just like your other family members?”

Michael looked at me with knitted brows. It was clear that he knew what I was thinking, and he did not agree with it.


I looked at him, still wanting to say something.

“No buts.” Michael interrupted. “You need to stand your ground, Anna Garcia. When will you stop being so indecisive!”

He spoke assertively and looked at me with eyes that would not accept no for an answer.

I gulped while I stared at his handsome face. I knew he was right, that I needed to be more decisive.

When the car stopped, my phone rang before we got out. It was my mother, which only meant that Steven had told her about what had happened.

I took a glance at Michael before swiping to pick up. “Hi, Mom.”

“What have you done, Anna Garcia! You said you wanted to meet Steven’s girlfriend, but how could you say those things to her! Are you trying to ruin your brother’s life!”

My mother’s voice blasted out of the phone before I could say anything, almost deafening me through it.

So, I pulled my phone away from my ear with a frown. I knew my mother would be infuriated when she found out about what happened.

“I’m doing this for Steven’s sake, Mom. That woman, Yvette, is not the girl for him. It’s a good thing if they were to break up.”

I did not apologize to my mother like how I used to but instead told her what was on my mind in a calm manner.

“Good thing? You ruined your brother’s relationship, and you call that a good thing? What were you thinking, Anna? Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

My mother became even more enraged, seeing that I did not apologize.

“Steven’s still young, Mom. He can find someone way better than Yvette. What she wants is not something we can afford. This time, it’s a car. Next time, it might be a house for all I know. Are you going to buy that for her?”

Yvette’s a greedy girl, so the chance of her asking for a house after they got married isn’t actually zero. Our family could never satiate someone like that!

“I don’t care! Your brother likes her, so you have to get them back together no matter what! I’ll never forgive you if you don’t! And don’t come back until you do that!”

My mother was practically roaring by then as she chastised me in her high-pitched voice.


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