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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380 Suspicious Of Steven

“All right. There’s no use worrying now. Let’s wait and see what the doctor says.”

In comparison to Michael, Lincoln was much more anxious. He began pacing in front of the operating theater as soon as he arrived.

After a long time, the light indicating that an operation was in progress turned off, and the doors to the operating theater swung open. All of us gathered around at once.

“Doctor, how’s my wife?” Lincoln asked worriedly.

The doctor gave a long, heavy sigh. He looked at Lincoln with a helpless expression and said, “It’s not looking good. She’s still in critical condition. Even if she does pull through, she might be unconscious for a long time.”

“How can that be? Doctor, you have to save my wife! Nothing must happen to her!”

Overwhelmed with panic, Lincoln grasped the doctor’s hand and pleaded frantically.

Michael was also frowning heavily, looking anxious. They were all so worried about Josephine. Well, even I don’t hope for anything bad to happen to her.

“Don’t worry. I’ll do everything I can. We’ve completed the patient’s operation and will be transferring her to the ward.”

Faced with Lincoln’s pleas, the doctor could only promise to do everything he could since he was not absolutely confident of saving Josephine.

Lincoln looked like he wanted to say something, but he forgot all about it as soon he saw the nurses wheeling Josephine out of the operating theater with her forehead heavily bandaged.

Everyone rushed forward, including me. As I gazed down at Josephine’s tightly-shut eyes and deathly pale face, uneasiness crept through me.

Once Josephine was in the ward, Lincoln stayed next to her while holding her hand. Everyone was silent.

No one pressed me for further details about the incident. Perhaps it was because they were all too worried about Josephine’s condition at the moment.

Nonetheless, I kept puzzling over the matter. I wanted to get to the bottom of what happened.

The following day, news of Josephine’s critical condition was splashed in headlines across the globe. Everyone was busy speculating the reason she got hurt.

When I went to visit her with Michael, she was still unconscious.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I took it out and saw that the call was from Steven. Not wanting to disturb those in the ward, I went into the corridor to answer the call.


From the other end of the line came Steven’s voice. As he spoke, he stammered a little. “Hello, Anna… Is… Is Michael’s mother really in such serious condition as reported on television?”

I felt it odd that Steven would suddenly show concern for Josephine, but I replied, “Yes. It’s not looking good. The doctor said she’s still in critical condition and told us to prepare for the worst.”

Once again, uneasiness washed over me as I recalled how Josephine was still not yet out of danger.


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