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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Josephine Is Hurt

Despite feeling concerned, I could not help heaving a sigh of relief. Since Michael spoke so bluntly, Mom will probably understand how I feel now.

Seemingly sensing my disquiet, Michael held my hand and shot me a reassuring glance.

Mom really did not call me for the next few days. It left me wondering whether the matter would blow over just like that. Meanwhile, it was as if Steven had vanished into thin air.

Although many things still felt up in the air, I could not deny that those few days were much more peaceful. I contemplated calling to ask how Steven and Yvette were doing but later dismissed the idea. In truth, I thought it would be a good thing if they broke up.

It was not because I was against Steven having a family of his own, but because I hoped he could find someone who truly loved him. It was clear to me that Yvette was not that person.

I had hoped we could put everything that had happened behind us, but as it turned out, it would not be that easy. Since I was pregnant and needed to get some moderate exercise, I went out on walks every day.

That day, the housekeeper had something to attend to back home. Hence, I gave her the day off.

I was out taking a walk at a park close by the mansion when my phone rang. It was Josephine. Her calls were usually a sign of bad news, so I was genuinely a little reluctant to answer my phone.

If it were not for the fact that she was Michael’s mother, I would have rejected her call. Nonetheless, I answered it in the end.

“Hello, Mom.”

I no longer hoped to have a good relationship with Josephine. As long as she did not deliberately try to cause me trouble, that was enough for me.

“Where are you? Why is nobody at home? You have such a big house, yet you don’t have the means to hire a housekeeper?” Josephine asked in an accusatory tone.

I frowned when I heard that. Don’t tell me she’s at the mansion!

“Mom, are you at the mansion?” I enquired, puzzled.

“What’s the matter? It sounds as if I’m not welcome here. Anna Garcia, you’d do well to remember that the mansion you live in belongs to the Shaw family!”

I merely wanted to confirm that she was at the mansion, but it’s like she’s purposely twisting the meaning of my words. I felt vexed, but I did my best to suppress my emotions.

“Mom, I didn’t mean that. I was-”

Naturally, I tried to explain myself. But before I could finish my sentence, Josephine interrupted me impatiently.

“Get back here right now!”

Her tone was commanding, and it irked me. However, she hung up immediately without giving me the chance to say anything.

My brows furrowed as I listened to the dial tone. That attitude of hers really drives me up the wall! I’m Michael’s wife now, not one of the Shaw family’s helpers. But she always uses that tone when she speaks to me. How irritating! And there’s nothing I can do about it. The moment I display any sign of resistance, she’ll surely kick up a fuss and blow the incident out of proportion. I’m not afraid of falling out with her. It’s just that I don’t want the Shaw family to become like mine.

I turned to leave the park and hurried back to the mansion at once. Even so, it took me more than twenty minutes to get home.


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