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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Your Joke Is Not Funny

“Didn’t you say you have something to tell me? You can tell me now.”

Michael took his eyes off the road and cast me a glance. His voice was soft as though he was afraid of scaring me.

Hearing his gentle voice, I looked at him. But when I saw the concern in his eyes, I didn’t know how to start.

“Michael, will you forgive me if I make a huge mistake?”

I was wringing my hands as I asked him. I couldn’t look into his eyes as I waited for his answer.

“No matter how huge the mistake my girl has committed, it’s not a mistake in my eyes. You have me by your side. I don’t care what you’ve done.”

He reached his hand out to grab mine. Determination and affection were laced in his words.

My heart lurched at the warmth I felt from his hand. I’m touched by his words, but he doesn’t know the severity of my mistake this time.

I know he won’t get mad no matter the mistakes or trouble I’ve caused, but this is an exception. Will he still tell me such kind, loving words if I tell him that I hurt his mother?

I lowered my head in silence. I still haven’t figured out how to tell him. I was reluctant to spoil the happiness between us.

The car continued smoothly, and soon we arrived at the mansion.

He steadily pulled the car to a stop and turned to me with a small smile.

I merely sat there like a statue, still hesitant to tell him.

“What’s wrong? You’re acting very different today.”

I could see the concern in his eyes.

“Michael, I have something to tell you. But I’m scared we wouldn’t be as how we are right now once I told you.”

I glimpsed at him nervously. Since I’ve already decided to take the blame for Steven, I have to do it.

“What do you want to tell me? I’m worried about the way you’re acting right now.” He furrowed his brows.

I know he’ll freak out over the way I’m acting right now.

“It’s about Mom. In truth, I was the one who hurt her.”

My words came out in a whisper. I lowered my head, unwilling to see his reaction. My heart was racing as I waited for him to blow up.

He stayed silent, but I could feel his gaze on me. My palms began to sweat. I was worried about what he would say.

“What are you saying? What do my mom’s injuries have to do with you? Even though she got hurt at our house, it has nothing to do with you. You don’t have to feel guilty about it.” He pulled me into his arms and let out a sigh instead of getting angry at what I said.

I knew he had misunderstood my words. He didn’t understand what I was trying to tell him. Anxiety filled me once again.

I screwed my eyes shut and inhaled a deep breath, pulling my courage from deep within me as I said, “No, Michael. You don’t understand. I’m trying to tell you that I was the one who caused the injury to your mom’s head.”


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