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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 385

Chapter 385 A Slap From Lincoln

The car door slammed shut. The loud bang was like a blow to my heart.

“I’m sorry, Michael. I’m really sorry.”

My fingers were digging into my head. I hated myself for giving in to them and doing what they told me all the time.

I sobbed as I sat alone in the car. That was the day I had cried the most in my entire life.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I felt the irony as I stared at the word “Mom” on the screen.

No mother in the world would force their children to take the blame. I wanted to know how heartless they were.


I sucked in a deep breath, trying to sound as cold as possible.

“Anna, I’m just calling to ask if you have told Michael. You didn’t sell your brother out, right?” An urgent voice came from the other end.

She didn’t even ask about me. Steven is all she cares about.

“You don’t have to call me to remind me. I’ll do as I promised. But don’t call me again after today. You’re no longer my family. All of you.”

I hung up, not giving her the chance to say anything else.

This is the last time. I will ignore whatever happens to them after today. I’ll consider this as a parting gift to them.

I don’t have parents or a brother after this. I want to live my life. I want to be selfish and live the way I want.

Wiping away the tears on my face, I entered the mansion and saw Michael sitting in the living room with a cold expression on his handsome face. I knew he was still mad about earlier.

“It’s late. Go up and rest,” I softly reminded as I walked up to him.

“You don’t plan to tell me the truth?”

He didn’t answer me. Instead, he looked up at me with cold eyes simmering with anger.

My body stiffened. I knew what he was asking. Does he still not believe? What do I have to say to make him believe me?

“I’ve told you the truth. Why don’t you believe me? Do you think I’ll lie to you about something like this?” I asked somberly, looking into his eyes.

His face darkened, and rage burned in his eyes. I could see that he was about to explode.

Fear gripped me whenever he was angry, but this time, it was within my expectations.

“I will make that person who hurt my mother pay, Anna. Don’t you know that I will hate you if you insist on admitting to it?”

He shot to his feet and strode to me, looking down at me with a mix of anxiety, anger, and panic in his eyes.


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