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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392 Business Trip

I noticed a conflicted look in his eyes, but I simply nodded at him without saying anything, as I was still feeling uncomfortable about his statement earlier.

After Ronan left, Michael maintained that indifferent look in his eyes and continued playing with the baby in my arms.

As the tension in the ward grew increasingly tense, Michael broke the silence by asking, “What did he say to you?”

His tone was neutral. I couldn’t read his emotions at all.

I began panicking a little when I recalled what Ronan had said about protecting the woman he liked.

There’s no way I could ever tell Michael that! Things are already tense between us, so he’d definitely get mad if he knew what Ronan had said to me!

“Nothing much, really. He just came by to check on me and the baby. Told me to take care and rest well, that’s all,” I replied with my head held low and a faint smile on my face.

Even so, I felt really nervous, as Michael had always been able to see through all of my lies.

Michael arched his eyebrow and raised his voice slightly as he asked, “Is that really all?”

“Yeah, that’s all. What else is there for us to talk about?”

I continued to avoid his gaze for fear of him seeing through my lie.

“Remember, you can only be mine no matter what. Ronan will only be your cousin-in-law at best,” Michael said sternly while staring straight into my eyes.

Although he was obviously giving me a warning, I found myself getting a little excited when I heard that. Is Michael trying to tell me that he doesn’t plan on leaving me?

With that in mind, I flashed him a smile and said, “I know. I will be yours alone for the rest of my life.”

Resting my head against his shoulder, I tried my best to enjoy the moment we were having.

Even if Michael hadn’t reminded me, I would’ve known to carry myself appropriately anyway. Being his woman, I wanted nothing more than to stay by his side for the rest of my life.

Michael barely returned to the office after I got discharged from the hospital. He had his secretary deliver most of his documents to the mansion and would spend all of his time outside of work keeping me and our child company. As long as Michael could stay by our side, all the pain and suffering I had gone through was worth it.

I got so carried away by the happiness of having my husband and child by my side that I never considered the possibility of us being separated in the future.

It had almost been a month since my baby was born, and Michael had been meticulously looking after us both the whole time.

After getting my baby to fall asleep, I carefully placed him in the crib before climbing into bed with Michael.

Ever since our baby was born, Michael had moved back into our bedroom and no longer went to his study, much to my delight.

“I’ll be leaving for a business trip tomorrow.”

Michael’s deep and sexy voice rang out.

I turned around and stared longingly at his handsome face as I asked, “Where will you be going?”


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