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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393 Divorce Agreement

“A divorce agreement,” Lincoln replied coldly, looking back at me.

Hearing it directly from him sent waves of terror through my body.

I fought back the feelings of panic and anxiety in my heart and asked anxiously, “A divorce agreement for me and Michael? Why would you bring this here all of a sudden, Dad?”

“I actually liked you when you first married into our family, Anna. I thought of you as a very kind person, but what you did was simply unacceptable. Because of you, my wife is now lying in the hospital and might remain bedridden for the rest of her life!”

Lincoln got a little emotional as he said that, and I finally understood the reason behind this divorce agreement.

So, he’s doing this because of Josephine… Since I have claimed responsibility for Josephine’s condition, I am willing to accept Lincoln’s hatred toward me. However, I will not divorce Michael because of this! They can hate me all they want, but I won’t leave Michael! Our child has just been born! He needs the love of both his parents!

My voice trembled along with my body as I said, “I know you still blame me for what happened to Mom. I know this is all my fault, so you can hate me, scold me, and even hit me all you like. But I will never agree to divorce Michael! I won’t leave him!”

This was something I had to stand very firm on. I was determined not to leave Michael regardless of what Lincoln said to me. Seeing as my relationship with Michael had improved a lot lately, I believed that he would never agree to divorce me either.

“I will not allow you to remain in the Shaw family, so you will sign this divorce agreement today. I have even brought a lawyer with me today. Let’s get this all over with right here and now.”

Lincoln completely disregarded everything I had just told him.

I looked at him in utter shock, as I didn’t expect the gentle and supportive father-in-law to be so heartless.

Given the fact that the man behind him was a lawyer, it became obvious that he didn’t come here to negotiate at all. Lincoln had come here with the sole purpose of getting me to sign that divorce agreement.

“I won’t divorce Michael, and I’m sure he won’t agree to it either! Besides, whether we divorce or not is our decision to make, not yours! You have no say in this matter!” I shouted while staring at him with a determined look in my eyes.

Although my mind was all over the place, I knew I had to stand my ground and refuse the divorce. I would never leave Michael unless he told me he wanted to divorce me.

Lincoln’s tone grew a lot colder as he asked with a frown, “What will it take for you to sign this, then?”

“I’m going to give Michael a call and tell him about this. Michael will never agree to divorce me! He loves me!”

In my state of panic, I whipped out my phone and punched in Michael’s number.


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