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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Child Taken Away

Lincoln is blatantly threatening me with the possibility of prison time if I refuse to compromise! He knows it would be near impossible for me to see my child if I ended up in prison! As such, signing the divorce agreement would be the only option available to me.

With that in mind, I tightened my grip on the divorce agreement. Although it was incredibly tempting to just tear it to pieces, I managed to fight the urge and maintain my composure.

“Don’t worry. The Shaw family will be sure to repay you in kind for bringing us a son. I will pay you five million as compensation, so you should have an easy life ahead of you.”

The cold look on Lincoln’s face eased up significantly when he saw me hesitating, and his attitude became a lot better as he tried to persuade me to sign the papers.

I don’t need their money! I just want to keep my child by my side! Having to leave Michael is painful enough as it is, so I’m going to make damn sure I at least get to keep my child!

Having made up my mind, I clenched my fists and stared into Lincoln’s eyes as I replied, “All I want is my child. I don’t want your money, so you can keep the five million. If I am to get divorced, then I demand custody of my child!”

The look in Lincoln’s eyes went back to being icy-cold instantly when he heard that. He then leaped to his feet and yelled angrily, “The child is a Shaw! We will not let you have him, so you can forget about it! If you sign these papers, you will be allowed to visit your child whenever you feel like it. If you end up in prison, you will never get to see him again! It would be a great dishonor for us to have a convict as a part of our family, after all!”

Each and every one of his words stabbed at my heart like knives as he continued pushing me into a corner.

I took a deep breath and forcefully suppressed my burning anger as I pleaded with him, “I can’t reach Michael right now, Dad. Can we at least wait till he comes back before we discuss this further?”

“You still don’t believe that this is Michael’s decision, do you? In that case, why don’t you take a closer look at the divorce agreement? Michael has already signed his name on it. Surely, you can recognize his signature?”

Lincoln was really well-prepared before he came over. Perhaps he already knew that I wouldn’t agree to the divorce.

I didn’t read the rest of the divorce agreement earlier, but hearing Lincoln’s words prompted me to check it again. I quickly flipped to the last page, and sure enough, Michael’s signature was there.

The sight of Michael’s name and signature stabbed at my heart once again, and whatever remaining flames of hope I had left were extinguished completely.

So, this really is Michael’s idea… He actually wants to divorce me… Is this the answer he said he’d give me? Heh… I thought we would go back to being the lovey-dovey couple we used to be, but I suppose that’s just wishful thinking on my part. I’ve overestimated the place I hold in Michael’s heart, after all.

“Now that you’ve seen it and confirmed it, you should hurry up and sign the papers!” Lincoln urged me impatiently while his lawyer handed me a pen.

With trembling hands, I took the pen over from him. At first, I was determined to stand my ground no matter what. However, seeing Michael’s signature caused my resolve to disappear instantly.

I wouldn’t shamelessly cling to Michael if he didn’t want to be with me anymore.

As much as it hurt me to divorce him, I would go through with it because I knew Michael all too well. Not a single person in the world could change his mind once he had made his decision.

However, I really didn’t want to be separated from my child, who was just a little over a month old.

As if he had read my mind, Lincoln said in a gentle voice, “Don’t worry. You may drop by to visit your child anytime.”


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