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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 43

As though chagrined that I had covered myself up, Michael chided me placidly with a quirked brow.

“Um… It’s late, so I should head to work now. Otherwise, I’ll be late,” I blurted in a panic, simply making up an excuse.

I didn’t dare look into his eyes anymore, for they seemed capable of perceiving everything. Every time I locked gazes with him, I couldn’t help feeling flustered.

“You’re working at Joyful Success?”

I thought that he would say something risqué again, but he unexpectedly changed the subject without warning.

I was taken aback for a moment. When I snapped back to my senses, I truthfully answered, “Yeah.”

When his brows furrowed slightly, panic engulfed me. “I don’t have any ulterior motive working at Joyful Success. I only want a better platform to further my career. Don’t worry, I won’t cling to you because of such a thing,” I hurriedly explained.

Men from the elite classes like him were most averse to women using various methods to get close to them. I was worried that he would think the same of me, thus I promptly clarified things.

I really need this job now, so I can’t lose it because of our relationship! Even though Dad has had a heart stent surgery, his health is no longer what it used to be. Just for that reason alone, I’ve got to support this family!

“Why are you so panicked? Did I say anything?”

Clocking my frantic expression, Michael cocked an eyebrow and regarded me with mirth.

I breathed much easier upon seeing that he wasn’t angry.

Nonetheless, I still looked at him apprehensively and asked, “You’re not going to ask me to leave Joyful Success, are you? I really need this job.”

“Do you think I’m such a narrow-minded person? You’re my woman now, so there’s nothing wrong with you working at my company. However, don’t forget your promise to me back then. You’re not allowed to tell anyone about our relationship.”

Michael’s assurance had my heart settling back into my chest. But his final reminder caused a sense of melancholy to envelop me.

Honestly speaking, I never planned on telling anyone that I was acquainted with him. Even so, I was perturbed when he said that.

“I know. I won’t tell anyone about our relationship, so don’t worry,” I replied placidly as I lowered my eyes.

At the sight of my sudden disappointment, Michael frowned slightly and seemingly grew a touch irritated as well.

Subsequently, silence reigned, making the atmosphere grow awkward.

“Can you please retrieve my clothes for me?” I asked once more, turning to look at him. “I need to go to work now.”

Then, I shifted slightly. Despite having rested for a night, my nether region still ached slightly.

My brows creased slightly. In the next moment, my face inexorably flushed bright red again when our frantic lovemaking last night flashed across my mind.

“Are you sore?”

Seemingly having noticed my fidgeting, Michael frowned, and he even sounded as though he was concerned about me.

“Yeah, perhaps we did it overly long last night, so I’m feeling a bit sore down there,” I murmured, blushing hotly.

Actually, I didn’t really want to discuss such an intimate subject with him, but the words inadvertently tumbled out of my mouth.

“Can I take it that you’re complimenting me on my stamina?”


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