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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 44

I was startled for a moment. When I registered his meaning, my eyes went wide in shock.

At the sight of my astonished expression, Michael frowned in consternation.

“I said to spread your legs. Did you not understand me?” he ordered once more.

Keeping my legs tightly pressed together, I eyed him warily. No way! I’m not wearing anything down there, not even panties! He’ll be able to see everything if I were to spread my legs!

At that thought, the anxiety within me multiplied. Although I had always been a brazen woman in his eyes, I really couldn’t bring myself to show the most private part of me to a man, especially when I wasn’t all that familiar with the said man and had only been intimate with him a few times.

“W-Why do you want me to do so?”

I regarded him warily, my expression turning awkward as I spoke.

“So that I can apply the salve, of course. Where did your mind go? Anna, don’t tell me you were hoping that I’d take you again?”

Michael stared at me with a raised brow, his words layered with an underlying meaning.

Naturally, I understood the implication of his words. The moment I realized that he only intended to apply the salve on me, my face instantly flushed bright red. Oh… I thought he wanted to do it again…

“My mind wasn’t in the gutter. I’m innocent, okay?” I countered guiltily, turning my reddened face to the side.

In actual fact, my mind indeed went there earlier. However, no woman would actually admit it before a man.

“Do you really think you’re innocent? Your expression just now betrayed your thoughts. I never knew that you’re so depraved, Anna.”

Michael curled his lips, not believing my explanation the slightest bit. He was dead certain that my mind was in the gutter earlier.

“Forget it since you don’t believe me. It’s late, so I’ve got to go to work.”

Not wanting to discuss that topic with him anymore, I made to get up and retrieve my clothes after saying that.

Alas, it seemed that Michael had no plans of allowing me to leave. Flipping over, he pinned me beneath him and easily parted my legs with his massive hand.

In the blink of an eye, I felt a breeze brushing against my ladyparts. At that, I frantically yanked the covers over myself.

My gosh, isn’t he the slightest bit embarrassed to look at my body so boldly? How could he?

“Hold still. If you continue wriggling, I don’t mind taking you again.”

Michael’s brows creased in displeasure upon seeing me squirm, and his voice carried a hint of threat.

Hearing that, I immediately held still and no longer dared to twitch even a muscle. After all, he wasn’t a person who made empty threats. He had “tortured” me more than enough last night, so I would definitely feel worse if he were to take me again.

I stopped struggling for my own sake and allowed him to apply the salve on me. As I lay in bed, the thought of him having seen all of me struck, and I was seized by the urge to jump off the nearest building.


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