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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 52

“I didn’t do it for you. Conrad has done a lot of things that are harmful to the company. There was no way I’d allow him to stay.”

Just when my heart was brimming with excitement, Michael’s words hit me like a bucket of cold water.

So he didn’t come because of me at all, but because he already had the intention to weed out the bad seeds in the company. I guess it was all my wishful thinking.

Feeling slightly downcast, I looked away and responded, “Oh, I see.”

Michael turned to peer at me but didn’t say anything else. My chest felt stuffy; it was an uneasy feeling.

Everything I initially planned to say to Michael died in my throat.

The silence stretched between us. Just when it reached the point of suffocation and I was contemplating whether to get down from the car, Michael spoke once again.

“You asked me out because of this?”

As usual, I couldn’t tell what was on his mind.

Upon hearing his question, I suppressed my disappointment and answered in a monotonous voice, feigning nonchalance. “Yeah. I wanted to thank you, but it seems like that’s not necessary after all.”

“Instead of thanking me verbally, you might as well thank me through your actions if you’re really grateful.”

Michael leaned his face closer to mine after saying this. I could vaguely feel his warm breath, causing my skin to tingle all over.

“What actions?”

I glanced sideways at his handsome face that was mere inches from mine, my heart fluttering madly in my chest as I somewhat guessed what he was referring to.

“Besides your body, do you think there’s anything else that interests me?” Michael’s gaze was fixated on my chest when he said this, and he used his index finger to hook my collar open a fraction in a very suggestive manner.

There was no way I didn’t catch his meaning right then. Is sex all he can think of when he sees me?

“Michael, is sex the only language between us?”

Although we were friends with benefits, at that moment, I hoped sex wouldn’t be the only reason we met up for.

It felt like whenever we were together, my only purpose was to satisfy his desires. The thought of that slightly upset me.

Michael looked at me with a dangerous gaze and countered, “Apart from sex, what else is there to talk about between us?”

His deep, inky eyes resembled whirlpools that were capable of sucking in my soul. My heart galloped as I gazed into his eyes, but upon realizing the meaning behind his words, my face instantly fell.

I hastily averted my gaze to conceal my emotions. Turning over Michael’s words in my head, I grew increasingly disheartened.

He’s right. We’ve been friends with benefits since the beginning. Other than sex, there’s nothing else between us.

“Do you want to try another place today?”

Michael’s deep voice pulled me out of my trance.


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